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Review: NewBlueFX Titler Live 4 Complete

Titler Live Complete 4是一个非常强大的空中图形解决方案,价格实惠, easy to use, and easy to connect with several video switchers and data sources.

NewBlueFX Titler Live 是一个强大的实时图形生成器,可以在几个流行的平台上工作. I started my review with the Titler Live 3 Complete version, and midway through my review, I upgraded to the new Titler Live 4 Complete version ($949). 完整版本包含了Titler Live Present中的所有功能, Social, and Sport versions.

我对这个直播图形解决方案的主要兴趣是将动态标题和图形添加到我使用vMix制作的实时视频广播中. 完整版提供了两个图形通道,我的计划是通过NDI连接Titler Live和vMix. NDI协议允许Titler Live连接到任何其他NDI系统, 甚至还有直接连接OBS和AirSend的选项. If you’re running a video switcher that doesn’t support NDI, or doesn’t have its own direct connection option, you can also use Titler Live over HDMI.

Connecting Over NDI

Connecting Titler Live to vMix over NDI is a three-step process. First, the two systems need to be connected to the same network. 以太网是一个更稳定的选择,但你也可以使用快速的Wi-Fi连接. 使用Wi-Fi,你需要确保你有足够的传输速度,并且不会掉帧.

The second step is to set the output in Titler Live to NDI, and the final step is to add an NDI input in vMix. The graphics come into vMix pre-keyed, 所以你只需要将图形通道应用到vMix中的四个叠加通道之一,就可以使其生效.

我发现有趣的是,一旦我通过NDI连接Titler Live到vMix, I still had the ability to make changes to live titles in vMix. Despite this, 我发现最好的工作流程是从一台单独的笔记本电脑上操作Titler Live,并在Titler Live中进行所有更改, 使用vMix获取我正在发送图形的一个或两个通道.

Working With Hardware Switchers

我使用Titler Live的第二个兴趣是使用硬件视频切换器,如Blackmagic ATEM线或Roland V-60HD. 这个工作流连接使用HDMI输出从你的笔记本电脑或工作站的图形卡,Titler Live正在运行.

选择HDMI输出会产生一个小预览窗口,您可以将背景色设置为黑色, blue, or green. Next, 你把HDMI预览窗口从主显示器拖到HDMI连接的扩展显示器, in this case your video switcher. Then, on your video switcher, you need to key out the black, blue, or green background, and you’re ready to take your graphics live.

Design Templates

Titler Live Complete中的设计模板分为16个文件夹. 我对可用的专业模板的数量印象深刻. 我发现《百家乐app下载》让我能够快速将图像提升到一个新的水平, 这一点尤其重要,因为我在视频制作的技术方面比我在视频制作的设计和创意方面更强.

设计模板为我提供了一个起点,我可以轻松地对其进行定制,以适应我生成的单个事件的外观. 最好的部分是图形都是动画的,你可以快速预览开始, middle, and end of each graphic by hovering over the template thumbnail.

一旦将图形添加到播放列表中,就可以更改其属性. Each graphic has its own set of customizable attributes, depending on how many elements are in the design. 最基本的后三分之一标题将具有Name和Subtitle字段, while more complex sports scoreboards will have fields for logos, team colors, game and penalty clocks, and much more (Figure 1, below).

Figure 1. Scoreboard graphics have several customizable Attribute fields

Preview Issues

我对悬停预览的唯一不满是,他们对中间部分的预览时间不够长,我看不清楚. The middle is the static graphic view that, in practice, would be on the screen the longest, while the animation in and out are the motion transitions.

当我从属性选项卡打开编辑标题设计窗口时,我看到了为什么会这样. 开始和结束动画是设定持续时间的,你可以很容易地缩短或延长, 但中间部分通常保持直到你手动触发动画, so its duration is only a few frames long. 我希望预览的设置能让我设置悬停预览的中间持续时间,或者让它们都默认为至少几秒钟.


总的来说,属性和编辑标题设计控件非常容易使用. When you finish making edits to a graphic in one of two playlists, which can each hold 15 graphics, Titler Live automatically renders your graphic (Figure 2, below).

Figure 2. Editing and previewing graphic attributes

Having a discrete GPU is a must when using Titler Live. Graphics render in seconds, 这比在After Effects中设计和导出图形要快得多的工作流程. 其结果是,你可以滚动的拳头和调整标题的飞行,而现场,以适应不断变化的内容.

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