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NAB 2024: vMix Talks vMix 27 and Zoom Integration

Among the key features of vMix 27 are Zoom integration, 允许远程百家乐软件app最新版下载引入(理论上)无限数量的远程访客, vMix高级系统工程师Heath Barker在NAB的vMix展位上接受了流媒体的Shawn Lam的采访. Barker还快速演示了该功能的工作原理.

Among the key features of vMix 27 are Zoom integration, enabling remote producers 引入(理论上)无限数量的远程访客,vMix高级系统工程师 Heath Barker reports in this interview with Streaming Media contributing editor Shawn Lam of SLVLive in the vMix booth at NAB 2024. Barker还快速演示了该功能的工作原理.

Shawn Lam: I'm here at NAB 2024 with Heath Barker from vMix, 我们将讨论vMix的最新版本, which is vMix 27. Quick overview, what are some of the big features in 27?

Heath Barker: The biggest feature for vMix 27 is our Zoom integration. 因此,可以将会议中的所有Zoom调用者直接作为个人输入输入到vMix中. 这意味着你可以独立导入他们的视频和音频你可以做一些事情,比如ISO录制它们或者把它们缝合成一个完整的布局有你的主讲人,然后各种小组成员在旁边等等. So, a lot of flexibility with Zoom. 另一件很酷的事情是历史上我们有vMix Call, which was limited to eight callers. Zoom has no limits in terms of numbers of inputs. 限制在于带宽——所以你有30兆的带宽可以使用, 这相当于5个高清1080P源. If you've got a premium Zoom account, you'll have access to that 1080P, but it could be something like 2360P, and if you've got them as small individual inputs, that's going to look great. So that's the main one.

Shawn Lam: How is this different from Desktop Capture?

Heath Barker: In Dsktop Capture, you could really only bring in one at a time, whereas now you can bring them all in. 要做一些事情很困难,比如把每个人的声音输入进去,这样你就可以在之后进行编辑或录制每个人的ISO录音. So much better than that. 这一切都在vMix中运行,所以你不需要第二个显示器来录制.

Shawn Lam: For me, when I watch it or when I use this feature, it's the clean input aspect that's super important, 因为当你使用桌面捕捉引入缩放输入时, you always get their name and their connection bandwidth. There's always something going on in there.

It's totally clean, which is fantastic. 然后你可以把你的覆盖层,比如你的下三分之一和其他的东西放在它们上面. 我们有一个演示,稍后可以给你们看.

所以你不仅可以把独立的变焦输入作为ISO相机或ISO参与者, we could also send back out. So how does that work?

Heath Barker: vMix has access to four outputs. 你可以只选择一个,你发送的输出将是你的Zoom参与者在会议中看到的, if that makes sense.

Shawn Lam: 这可以是一个程序,但也可以是任何你指定的输出?

Heath Barker: Correct. If you had a host, 你可以直接给他们发送视频,因为这对他们来说更自然, 但如果极速的参与者真的想看看整个节目是什么样子的, you could send them the whole show and how it looks. That includes them and everything as well, 这样他们就能完全了解发生了什么, say to a livestream or something like that.

Shawn Lam: Traditionally when you're doing mix minus with video, you're sending video in and sending it back to them, which is kind of what we're talking about. We can choose what to send back. 这可能会让观众感到困惑,但更糟糕的是音频的混合. We don't want to send them back audio. So how do you manage that?

Heath Barker: So vMix itself does mix minus for you. 我识别出Zoom输入,如果是Zoom输入,就意味着参与者可能在说话. So we're never going to send that back. We're minusing that out. It's minus from the mix, hence mix minus, 所以我们发回的就是你想要发送的所有内容减去Zoom输入.

Shawn Lam: So no echo, no squeal, echo, no feedback. Just happiness.

Heath Barker: 现在你仍然可以得到一些回音或者类似的东西,如果你的参与者, for instance, 没有戴耳机,有很大的扬声器,他们会把噪音传回麦克风. So things like that can still happen. 你肯定想要,vMix总是说,测试,测试,再测试. But as far as mix minus goes, it's pretty solid in vMix. 所以我所做的是建立一个关于Zoom集成如何工作的小演示. In this, I've set up Zoom on my phone. So I'm calling into vMix as a Zoom caller. 这是我,这是我从vMix得到的缩放反馈. 现在我可以把它放到我事先准备好的镜头里, 比如这个有一堆图层给我所有的Zoom参与者, these guys here, and one of them is me. 我把拇指从相机上拿开对准自己,然后直接切到那个. 所以我可以变成我自己,试着控制我自己. There we go. 然后切换到另一个镜头,切换到另一个镜头,切换到我自己. So it's the ability to make a much nicer-looking zoom, 它是根据你想要的样子定制的,而不是Zoom想要的样子.

Shawn Lam: How easy is it to add in the Zoom input? Can you walk us through that?

Heath Barker: Sure. 所以这是一个问题,去添加输入在底部的角落,然后选择缩放作为你的输入, clicking OK, finding the new input. 在缩放管理器中,你可以从参与者列表中选择. And so as participants appear in the Zoom meeting, 你可以右键点击它们,你可以选择添加它们作为一个新的输入, 或者你可以将它们添加为现有的缩放输入,如果你已经在那里建立了一个. So very, very simple to add people into vMix.

Shawn Lam: 然后一旦你添加了,比如说1 2 3或4个输入,切换有多容易? Who is on that input?

Heath Barker: If you look at my Zoom input over here, 我可以右键点击这里,把我的参与者改成我想要的人. There is where you would do your switching. It's very, very easy.

Shawn Lam: Excellent. All right, thank you very much, Heath. This has been a look at vMix 27 at NAB 2024.

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