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Teradek销售副总裁Jon Landsman在流媒体东2018上讨论了直播解决问题和新公告.

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 East 2018. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Contributing Editor with 流媒体 杂志, and the founding Executive Director of the not-for-profit Help Me Stream. I'm here today with Jon Landman from Teradek. 琼恩,先告诉我们 ... You stepped in and sort of saved the day for us. Tell us what the issue was that we were facing earlier.

乔恩·兰德曼:嗯, 当你到达一个你过去没有侦察过的地方时,经常会发生什么, someone from IT will hand you an ether网 cable and say off you go, 开始流. 该提供商忘记提及的是,这是一个封闭的网络,需要密码才能通过他们的网络连接到互联网.


Jon Landman: Correct. As you saw, you couldn't get out.


乔恩·兰德曼:那么, 我今天带来的解决办法是我们刚刚发布的一个新产品叫做Link Pro, 这是 an aggregated set on the back end of a WiFi 网work.

蒂姆Siglin: Ah, nice.

乔恩·兰德曼:我们实际上做的是绕过这个地方提供的互联网,通过以太网将立方体和编码器直接输入Link Pro, that was then connected to the inter网 over multiple cell connections.

Jon Landman: 绝对. 绝对.
蒂姆Siglin: As I was telling somebody earlier, 有没有变通的办法,比如你去麦当劳或者汉堡王. Even in those places you have to click an "I Accept". 你知道? The terms and conditions.
Jon Landman: Splash screen, we call it.
蒂姆·西格林:对. 启动画面. 现在的设备是否有解决方案,或者这仍然是未来的事情?
乔恩·兰德曼:在过去,我用过我们称之为旅行路由器的东西. You can buy them very inexpensively from Amazon. 基本上,它们是一个非常小的路由器,给你一个启动屏幕.

蒂姆·西格林:事实上, 我的房间里就有一个,因为我有三个设备想连接,我通过它连接.

Jon Landman: 完全. That device will give the splash screen, and then your encoder, 比如Cube, will then either ether网 into the router, or WiFi into that router.

蒂姆Siglin: Just as a rule of thumb, 带这样的东西总是好的,这样你就可以进入中点. 当然,假设你没有你的设备,这是蜂窝键背阴影.

乔恩·兰德曼:我想说的是,在流媒体世界里,备份永远不够用. You take your army Swiss knife of tricks, you turn up at your location, 你向流媒体之神祈祷,希望你真的有一个设备能把你带到你需要去的地方.

蒂姆Siglin: We used to carry kits of VGA adapters, RGB adapters. 实际上,我们现在所做的是携带连接适配器套件.

Jon Landman: 绝对.

蒂姆·西格林:好的. What else are you all showing here at the show?

Jon Landman: We're demonstrating, basically, two different solutions. 一个用于向切换器贡献,另一个用于从切换器分发. We are demonstration the Bolt 10K, 哪款是我们最新的无压缩零延迟无线发射机. Ten thousand feet is a long, long way. 我们最近在做一个从直升机到地面的切换器的拍摄,这个切换器与其他一些无线摄像机进行切换. It really opens up the kinds of things that one can do. Being zero delay means that it stays in sync with all your wired cameras.

That's really what we're showing on the contribution side. 分布, 正如我提到的, we've released the Link Pro, 这是, 再一次。, an agnostic WiFi router with backended cellular bonds. That's cellmuxing capability. What's the sort of standard output bandwidth from something like that?

Jon Landman: I've been seeing that we're getting approximately 35-40Mbps. 在我的Link Pro中,我有两个Verizon收音机,一个Sprint收音机和一个AT&T广播.


Jon Landman: That's giving me really good coverage.


Jon Landman: All LTE.


Jon Landman: I know that in New york, Verizon and AT&T are the two strongest, so I'll definitely lead with those sims. 如果我要去丹佛找工作,我知道Sprint在那里真的很强大.


乔恩·兰德曼:那么 I'll turn up with some Sprint sims. We manufacture our own modems. These are called nodes.

蒂姆·西格林:对. 确定.

乔恩·兰德曼:如果你曾经观察过一个节点,你会注意到一些非常引人注目的东西. 我在阿拉巴马州的电台打电话给他们,他说:“伙计,你们那东西上的天线真大."


蒂姆·西格林:你这么说很有趣,因为几年前在流媒体欧洲, 这是 now Streaming Forum, we actually had a conversation around the Arab Spring. 新闻工作人员在携带带有USB调制解调器的背包发射器时遇到了一些问题, right around the square, I think that was Tahrir Square in Cairo, 手机服务被阻塞,而且在那些塔上手机服务被过度使用. 那些有能力提升的人可以跳到另一个塔上,把信号发出去. Essentially, that's what you're giving the capability to do as well.

乔恩·兰德曼:是的. In fact, we have a US-based news organization. A three-letter news organization that has taken backpacks to Tahrir. Not our backpack, but another company's backpack. 伊朗政府知道这家公司,实际上已经关闭了他们正在使用的服务器的端口.


Jon Landman:他们最后做的是带着一个带有单个节点的小Cube潜入这个国家.

蒂姆Siglin: That wasn't known at that point.

Jon Landman: That wasn't know. 我们正在做的是发送到德国的服务器,然后再转发到纽约的服务器, 这是 then pushing to a decoder.

蒂姆·西格林:对. 好吧.

Jon Landman: We have some very clever tricks that we can do with our gear.

蒂姆·西格林:当然. 确定. 确定. 确定.

Jon Landman: That we don't like to talk about. None of that is true. None of that is true.

蒂姆·西格林:是的. 正确的. 完全.

Jon Landman: It does not happen.

蒂姆Siglin: There are no VPNs coming out of Iran.


蒂姆·西格林:好的. Well, Jon, thank you very much for your time. 我们很感激.

Jon Landman: My pleasure. 谢谢,伙计.

蒂姆Siglin: We'll be right back.

Teradek's Link Pro Backpack offers enhanced MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) cellular connectivity, plus the reliability of bonded cellular, connected to Teradek's powerful Link WiFi Access Point, 所有这些都装在一个背包里,由你选择的v型锁或3孔电池供电.