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直面对决:Switcher Studio vs. Teradek Live:空中行动


用于多摄像机现场制作, there's always been a ton of big production hardware available to do the job. 然后,将视频输入专用的小盒子以流式传输您的视频.

但是今天, consumer devices are so powerful that you can do what looks like a professional multicamera live TV show—with video playback, 标题, 还有更多——所有人都只需要几部智能手机. 但是哪个应用程序是最好的呢?

更正确的问题是哪个应用最适合你? 或者,哪一个适合这个项目?

There is no "best" app because each one has certain standout features that the other does not have, 根据你的需要, 或者是当前产品的需求与其他产品的需求, 您可以选择最有效的工具.


Currently I'm aware of five multi-camera live switching solutions you can run on an iPad (下面的图1). 每个人都使用一个应用程序来查看多个摄像头的视频, 把它们混合起来, add stills and 标题; and record and stream the output. 然而,我要马上排除其中的三个.

图1. 使用基于ipad的应用程序切换和流媒体直播事件

Sling Media的SlingStudio, 例如, 可以用iPad, 但所有的摄像机摄食, as well as the mixing and the recording actually takes place on the hub unit. This means your iPad or laptop could crash and the streaming and recording would continue along happily until your iPad took control of the hub again. 这就意味着它不是一个基于ipad的解决方案, 而是基于硬件的解决方案, iPad可以控制的东西, 或不.

The second solution that I'm not going to discuss at this time is Cinamaker. 我和NAB的Cinamaker团队见了面,产品很成功, 但仍在最后敲定中, so I'm not going to discuss it in this head-to-head comparison only because it’s not shipping yet. I’ve asked Cinamaker to contribute to the feature comparison chart so we have a head start to see how it might compare to our two main tools.

There's also an app called CollabraCam which is not really a live-switching app. Each individual camera records its own feed while the "director" app only records an Edit Decision List (EDL). 摄像机1上的音频是唯一使用的音频. 然后所有的东西都必须在后期组装. 看起来很有趣, 如果你只需要录音, 但它不提供视频播放功能, 标题, 或任何其他现场生产百家乐软件, 所以它不符合这篇比较文章的条件.

That leaves the two true iOS-based multi-cam live-switch video broadcast solutions. Teradek Live:空中行动(发音为“Live to Air”). Action is the latest version of this software, and there's also a free lite version known as "Solo.” Switcher Studio is also available in a free lite version called Switcher Go.

现场直播:空中行动(下面的图2)的界面最适合更大的平板电脑, 由于有许多专门的章节和微小的类型. Live:Air Solo is actually designed for a phone with minimal interface that can be brought in as overlays from the sides and bottom. 它可以在平板电脑上运行,实际上我喜欢在平板电脑上使用它. Live:Air Action甚至不会出现在手机上下载.

图2. 现场直播:空中行动在行动

Switcher Studio在平板电脑上运行得非常漂亮(下面的图3). 然而, the app also has an interface designed specifically for iPhone that makes it easier to use with larger interface elements that you swap between. Switcher Go has a very minimal interface that is pretty much the same on the phone or tablet.

图3. SwitcherStudio UI

我制作了一个逐个特性的比较图表(下面的图4和5)来帮助你了解你所需要的. This chart was checked by reps of each of the three companies included so it should be accurate as of May 23, 2018. I included Cinamaker in the chart based on the features the company say will be in the app, 当它释放时. Each of these companies is continually updating these apps so the features and capabilities will soon change from the ones I note here.

图4和5. 特征对比图,第1部分和第2部分

Airmix comes in two versions: the full-featured Airmix iOS video production suite ($29.每月99美元),以及免费的Airmix Solo. This article will touch on some of the differentiating features of each version. We'll also explore how Airmix Solo works and how you can use it to elevate your live streams with minimal additional investment.
安东尼Burokas provides an in-depth look at the Teradek Vidiu X Live Streaming Encoder.
As mobile devices have become more powerful and 交付 higher-quality stills and video, it was inevitable that companies would emerge that leveraged these new technologies to produce multicam live-switched media production. So let's establish some ground rules for mobile multicam media production success.
LiveCTRL makes the most of the broadcast-level video the Panasonic PTZ cameras 交付, 简单地说, 清洁, 以及易于携带的iPad界面.
Cinamaker 2.真正整合成一个坚实的基于ios的生产解决方案. 突出的功能包括加载和保存项目, 内置编辑器, 每个通道上都有专用的色度键.
With the addition of Cinamaker to the field of contestants I discussed in my July 2018 iOS Head to Head article-Switcher Studio and Teradek Live:空中行动—I set out to determine which app would 交付 the best video quality for live streaming and live recording.
Cloud-enabled capabilities will play an increasingly important role in the future of the Switcher platform, 在云端构建需要更多的百家乐软件来支持, 交付, 和维护
Teradek的Link Pro双肩包提供增强型多输入, 多输出)蜂窝连接, 加上键合蜂窝的可靠性, 连接到Teradek强大的Link WiFi接入点, and all rolled together in a backpack powered by your choice of V-Lock or 3-stud battery.
Looking to be able to do professional-level work for my clients on location without having to disassemble my TriCaster studio (or purchasing a second TriCaster to take on the road), I found apps for iPad and iPhones that let me connect everything together wirelessly and stream it to the web via my cell phone's LTE connection.
在2017年拉斯维加斯NAB展会上, DISH 网work旗下的Sling Media推出了SlingStudio, 一个专业的多摄像头流/切换设备. At $999, it competes with a number of existing pro-grade products from the likes of Teradek, LiveU, 和Matrox.
Teradek Live:Air接受来自不同来源的多个流, 让你可以混合一个事件, 然后发送到Livestream, Ustream, 或任何rtmp兼容的服务器, 只使用iPad.
如果你正在寻找一个基于idevice的视频混音解决方案, Switcher Studio应该是你的首选.