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马格努斯Svensson: What are the challenges and differences between live and file-based to VOD migration and cloud infrastructure?

死胡同杜邦公司: 对于直播来说,这很棘手,因为你必须从某个地方获得直播信号. 通常——至少在我们的例子中——这是一个SDI输入. So there's some physical SDI signaling somewhere on premise that we have to move to 云. 生活的另一个挑战是, 当然, 当你添加更多的步骤将它移动到其他地方, 你会添加延迟, 延迟是我们通常想要避免的. 所以这绝对是一种平衡, and how much latency you add by adding a long chain to move that signal and how you can move it to 云 without compromising stability. Because, 当然, as we all know, internet connection are not always perfect. And at some point, it goes over the internet in that scenario, and that can be a challenge.

Whereas if you're doing file-based workflows, file-based tends to be more resilient. 你往往会提前得到文件. So you have more time to catch up in some ways, but you can also retry that transmission. 如果失败,您可以重新尝试一个实时信号. 如果现场没了,那就没了. There's nothing else to retry that because you're sending it out as soon as you get it in. So there's different needs and challenges that are much different between live and VOD that makes live--at least in my view--a lot more challenging to move to 云 environment.

马格努斯Svensson: 彼得,你想就这个话题补充点什么吗?

彼得·沃顿商学院: 我认为洛克一针见血. 生活生产, 所有不同的生产工作流程, 播出, and distribution is the last obstacle to really being able to build end-to-end workflows in 云, which is where you really get the value both in operations and cost efficiency. We've seen live production move to 云 for cloud-native organizations like esports who are building really complicated live production workflows in 云. 他们的要求与大型广播公司有所不同, but we're also seeing where some major broadcasters--Sky would be a perfect example in Europe--are moving live production into 云 and doing it at scale. 所以我们看到这发生了,你必须解决延迟,可靠性. 你必须创造控制, but the beauty of cloud is being able to build exactly the workflow need for the complexity of the event and live production, 你从来没有处理过内部系统吗. 所以你可能有一个M/E或6个M/E. 没关系的. 你可以建造任何你需要的东西.

And you're seeing these layered production systems with multiple production systems stacked to build this very layered complex event, 而且它是按需扩展的. 因此,将实时生产转移到云端有很多优势, 这也是我们今天所做的很多努力的重点.

我们的模式显然不同于商业广告, sponsored model where live and near-live programming for us is still gonna remain on our typical an historic--at this point--delivery by satellite to local stations and then through broadcast to consumers. 部分, that has to do with the idea of turnaround time on the programs that may have to do also with limited rights windows for a news and public affairs program, where it's actually much more efficient for us to be able to put that through a live traditional broadcast chain than it would be to deal with a cloud, 因为它的管理和成本.

但是我应该说, 虽然, that a significant milestone this past summer is that the new engine interconnection system that the public media system is set up in the U.S. Has now gotten to the point where we've eliminated most of our non-live at or near-live satellite feeds. The very traditional way for us to deliver content to stations has now been all moved to a cloud-based delivery, 只是点播电台. 作为供应商, 作为经销商, it's a significant advantage for us because we're now no longer held hostage in some ways to limited availability on linear satellite feeds to stations. 空间站最终可以接收我们目录中云存储的任何东西, 并且在合适的Windows中随时使用它. So, it's another aspect of cloud migration that maybe that might not be immediately obvious, 但这是一个意义重大的变化.

彼得·沃顿商学院: 另一件事是,不再需要线性通道. 这主要是基于文件的内容, 作为一个线性通道交付到端点的方式,它曾经是. 但另一方面是, 现场生产, 现场演出有很多动人的片段, 尤其是在一家大型新闻机构,而不仅仅是一名新闻记者. 我们还看到, with some of these news organizations where we're standing up hundreds of multiviewers in 云, 操作人员可以远程访问并在家中进行配置. 所以现在他们可以有200到400个生产者都在家工作, 在实时事件和生成实时事件之间切换, all that actually going into an office and managing this from anywhere in the world. 所以这也是一个完全不同的模式, 他们如何与这些公司进行大规模的现场生产.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Most live-streamed productions are almost entirely focused delivering a great stream to a live audience, 但如果你不考虑在直播时切换到视频点播, many producers would argue that it's one of the first things you should be thinking when the live show ends.

腾讯云的James Gea谈如何打造病毒视频

Tencent Cloud Business Development Manager James Gea discusses the challenges of content delivery infrastructure for viral video in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体 West 2022.


The current level of VOD fragmentation is unsustainable in the medium to long term. The increase in the subscription market size is disproportionate to the number of new apps entering the market, so content providers will find themselves competing for a smaller piece of the pie while spending more money on acquiring new customers.


Megan Wagoner of Norway-based OTT Video CMS provider Vimond discusses the current state of cloud broadcasting and how the pandemic has accelerated migration to 云 in this interview with 流媒体's Tim Siglin at 流媒体东部 2022.


就像5G本身一样有益, 我们相信5G的结合, 云, gpu驱动的人工智能将使流媒体制作取得革命性进步.


TAG视频系统' Peter Wharton provides a working definition of cloud migration for streaming video and VOD workflows and the four primary ways it's accomplished in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.


LiveSports LLC's Jef Kethley discusses how moving to cloud production has changed both his workflows and the ways he allocates staff in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.

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