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Onstream Media Survey Highlights Large-Scale Webcasting Opportunities


Onstream Media and Unisphere研究 today launched a report highlighting results of a large-scale webcasting survey 由流媒体主持.

transition公司的主要发现. analysis of over 700 survey responses include the disparity of mobile platforms versus desktop or large-screen viewing, as well as a keen interest in flat-rate pricing for recurring live webcast use cases.

这项调查由Onstream Media Corp .赞助., 着手衡量大规模网络直播的趋势, including the types of devices supported for webcast viewing and the ongoing financial impact of pricing on recurring webcasting usage.

Over half (56 percent) of the more than 700 survey respondents identified themselves as working for a company that produces live webcasts. 在那些完成了34个问题调查的人中, approximately 84 percent hailed from North America, 其中大约10%来自欧洲.

Respondents who work for companies that produce large-scale webcasts were aware of the need to support smartphones and tablets. 然而, when it came to their personal consumption habits, many of these same respondents said they viewed live webcasts on a bigger screen than a smartphone or tablet: Typical webcast viewing still includes laptops, 台式电脑, 连接到笔记本电脑的外部显示器, or even a set-top box or streaming dongle attached to a television.

This personal viewing habit tended to bleed over into the respondents’ professional lives, 太, as the availability of live webcasting support on smartphones and tablets lags far behind support for desktop and laptop computers.

除了, the makeup of operating systems used to view large-scale webcasts was a bit of a surprise. 当被要求标识主操作系统时, 无论是移动还是桌面操作系统, it was clear that desktop operating systems continue to dominate with almost 75 percent of all large-scale webcast consumption.

笔记本电脑和台式电脑, 微软视窗系统, 不足为奇的是, 太k the top slot (47 percent) for operating systems, but Apple’s Mac OS X 太k a surprising second place (31 percent). This use of a bigger screen to view live webcasts was one of several surprise findings, perhaps due to the value placed on live webcast content.

为移动, Apple’s mobile-centric iOS operating system came out on top (31 percent) followed by Android at a distant second (6 percent).

结合, 苹果的两个操作系统, iOS和OS X, account for almost half (42 percent) of webcast consumption, so it’s clear that Apple and Microsoft dominate webcasting delivery for the respondents.

当被问及消费的媒体类型时, respondents had an interesting mix of consumption patterns. Educational content (such as live lectures and distance learning) was the dominant type of webcasting content consumed over the last year, with 62 percent of respondents saying they had consumed this type of content.

免费的 entertainment webcasts (including concerts and sports events) were next highest, followed by public training content (live training webcasts), and enterprise content (internal training or corporate webcasts).

有趣的是, social media content (live user-generated content) came in next, just above entertainment pay-per-view webcasts (concerts, 体育赛事), 哪个后面是“其他”类别, primarily dominated by religious (church services) and personal skills training (such as Lynda.com).

Percentages of all these findings are available by downloading the free report.

定价引起极大兴趣. When we asked respondents to explore “significant commercial challenges” keeping them from using large-scale webcasting, far and away the ability to choose a per-event pricing model topped the list, followed by the need for large-scale webcasters to offer users a seamless authentication experience.

Another popular pricing model was a per-participant pricing approach. 除了, respondents cited a need for internal buy-in from management, a desire for options to record webcasts for later use, and a desire for single-vendor solutions to meet webcasting needs.

这些细节和更多信息可以在 Large-Scale Webcasting Services report, available for free download.

有关其他当前研究,请访问 StreamingMedia.研究报告.

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