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Recruitment, Education, Healthcare Lead on Live Video Adoption


Live video isn't just for entertainment. A study released yesterday by TokBox, a live video communications company, is a good reminder that online video is now a trusted tool in many offices and verticals.

Comparing the results of surveys it completed in 2012, 2015, 和2017年, TokBox was able to see where live video is maturing the fastest: recruitment/work, 教育, 和医疗.

In the recruitment/work area, live video lowers recruitment costs while lowering the amount of time employees spend traveling. 今年, 70 percent of those surveyed say they have used live video for remote collaboration or they plan to do so. In 教育, live video results in greater student engagement and lower-cost learning. Of those surveyed, 3 in 5 have used live video to speak with a tutor. 最后, in healthcare live video brings physician access to more people and leads to better outcomes. Some states require insurance companies to reimburse for telemedicine treatment. TokBox found 60 percent have used live video to chat with a doctor or are likely to.

The industry to rank lowest in TokBox's findings is financial services. This area is so heavily regulated and its IT so complex that it's hard for live video applications to break through.

“Live video is growing exponentially, driven in large part by an up-and-coming generation of consumers who rely on video as a means to communicate, 通常每天,” said TokBox CEO Scott Lomond. "As with any new technology, a variety of factors influence adoption, but the message is clear: live video is fast becoming standard."

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