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Why Test and Measurement Must Move Into The Spotlight


On an increasingly crowded stage of new video sources, new viewing devices and rapidly evolving network architectures, is it finally time for the wallflower category of Test and Measurement to move into the spotlight? 这就是我的观点,也是我们成立SSIMWAVE公司的原因.

Consistently streaming superior video quality over the internet is hard. Hard for on-demand titles and even harder for low latency live. A big enough problem for the industry’s biggest players to pre-pay a group of Emmy Award researchers to build a platform that didn’t exist 22 months ago. Today, it is affecting the streams of tens of millions of US subscribers.

At SSIMWAVE, we solve business problems with science. The science of seeing doesn’t start with trying different methods of optimizing in hopes of hitting the target. It starts with defining the target that matters most – a viewer’s experience across content and devices. Then, and only then, can you balance the cost function of streaming media. 你不会根据旅行方式来计划旅行. You pick a destination and then decide on the best way to get there. 我们的平台让我们的客户远离不准确, expensive trial and error workflows to very accurate and low-cost, get-it-right-the-first-time管道.

With SSIMWAVE, the wallflower category just got off the sidelines. Start making viewer intelligent decisions with the world’s only unified, QoE的端到端监控解决方案, QoS and regulatory compliance including closed-captioning and audio loudness. SSIMPLUS Live Monitor and VOD Monitor – built for accuracy, scale, simplicity and cost-efficiency.

我鼓励你和我们联系. 看看这到底是怎么回事.



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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


It's no secret that the growing complexity of the global media and entertainment industry has made it harder to deliver content in the traditional way and maintain direct control over rights negotiation, 质量水平和交付格式.


Streaming viewers expect to access content at any time, in any place and on any platform. 同时, research indicates that consumers do not have much more incremental time that they can spend watching video. There is a battle raging where the prize is the attention of consumers.

Unleash OTT: SeaChange Advocates For Open, Multi-Vendor Solutions

Today's OTT content delivery ecosystem has changed the industry drastically, perhaps most significantly by presenting broader opportunities to build powerful and lasting relationships with viewers.

Successful Multi-Platform Publishing Requires a Solid Media Management System

Another exciting year in the most exciting industry of all. 在Lightcast.我们只是热爱我们所做的事情, 而且还, nothing excites us more than the media projects of our clients. 


在某种程度上, the security technologists have muddied the waters with generations of product that demanded proprietary formats, esoteric interfaces and a tendency to hide topics in a veil of secrecy that obscures the key logic and principles.

The List of the 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2018

Presenting our 2018 list of the 50 companies doing the most interesting and innovative work in streaming video. We're shining a spotlight on the companies that enable the creation and delivery of today's video revolution.

OTT Streaming - It’s All 关于 the Viewer Experience For Digital Video Content

When video content became available for streaming on a variety of devices, viewers were simply excited to have access and to consume programming even if the quality was lower than traditional broadcast.

Celebrating 10 Years Migrating Complex VOD Pipelines to the Cloud

当编码.网站成立于2008年10月, no one in the video space was even using the word "cloud" let alone deploying large-scale content operations on cloud infrastructure.

The 2018 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2018

Our industry-defining list takes a slightly new format for 2018. Here are the 50 most important companies in the online video industry, 那些引领我们走向未来的人. Making it onto the list is now even more of a challenge, as it should be.


As 2018 nears to a close and with the largest IBC ever just wrapped last week, three key movements in the Digital Rights Management market have come to light. In the first scenario we see a massive movement towards standardized containers like FMP4 in HLS and CMAF for the deployment of "Consumer DRM" including Apple FairPlay, 谷歌Widevine和微软PlayReady.


今天的视频消费者想要这一切. 在他们喜欢的设备上提供高质量的内容. Watch-on-your-own-time功能. 访问如此容易,他们不必三思而后行. 为他们量身定制的内容.


Heroes of the ‘streamverse' on our elite 2018 流媒体 50 list share their insights in the annual VIEW FROM THE TOP.