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NAB: Anvato引领无缝Facebook视频整合之路

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[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at NAB 2015.]

TV Everywhere specialist Anvato 为今年的NAB会议带来了几条重大新闻. As Anvato's chief evangelist Matt Smith explained, 该公司最近发布的Watch应用程序是吸引有线电视运营商和其他提供商的主要因素.

“在展会上,我们正在谈论我们的Anvato Watch应用程序,该应用程序使广播品牌或有线电视运营商等提供频道包的公司能够将这些频道组合在一起,从而实现追赶电视等功能, cloud DVR, watching on the tablet of the handset, obviously. 我们给它增加了一些功能,我们会在展会上向人们展示。. "The uptake has been very good and we're excited about it."

Anvato was one of the first companies to offer Facebook distribution with the new Facebook API.

"A few weeks ago the Facebook developer conference called F8, 马克·扎克伯格在台上提到,我们是第一批整合视频API的公司之一," Smith explained. “这意味着Facebook正在为我们的客户和品牌引入一种新的方式,将视频传输到Facebook平台. 如果这些品牌想让它自动播放,或者有其他功能,我相信他们以后会整合的, 你必须以他们想要的方式把它交给他们."

For more Anvato news, watch the video interview below.


Eric:   Hi, I'm Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, 流媒体杂志的编辑Matt Smith是Anvato的首席布道者. How you doing Matt?

Matt:  Good. Good to see you.

Eric:   Good to have you here. You've got some announcements here at the NAB show, right?

Matt:  We do, we have some exciting things. 在展会上,我们正在谈论我们的Anvato Watch应用程序,该应用程序使广播品牌或有线电视运营商等提供频道套餐的人能够使用, 将这些组合在一起,并实现诸如追赶电视之类的功能, Cloud DVR, watching on the tablet of the handset, obviously. 我们给它添加了一些功能,我们会在展会上向大家展示, the uptake has been very good and we're excited about it.

Eric:   好吧,你最近还宣布了几个合作伙伴. 你们正在与Facebook合作,你们还宣布与Grass Valley合作. 这些合作对广播公司和内容所有者意味着什么?

Matt:  Great question. 因此,我们在展会上宣布的草谷合作伙伴关系对使用GV Stratus平台的广播公司非常有利. 这是一个人们在新闻编辑室里制作新闻节目的平台, very powerful platform, 但是当他们把新闻放在一起的时候,可能会有突发新闻或者正在发生什么事情:一场汽车追逐, a sporting event. They can simply, with a few keystrokes in the strata system, mark a clip and say start and stop, sends a command to our platform, 我们会实时剪辑,然后将其发布到Facebook和Twitter上. 因此,对于那些广播品牌来说,在这些庞大的社会受众中传播自己的内容具有巨大的价值. The faster to market the better. In our case, with our integration, 这段视频通常一分钟后就能在他们的。com和应用程序上看到.

Eric:   Wow.

Matt:  So relative to your question about Facebook, a few weeks ago the Facebook developer conference called F8, 马克·扎克伯格在台上提到,我们是第一批整合视频API的公司之一. 这意味着Facebook正在为我们的客户和品牌引入一种新的方式来向Facebook平台发布视频. 如果这些品牌想让它自动播放,或者有其他功能,我相信他们以后会整合的, 你必须以他们想要的方式把它交给他们. We're familiar with that, we're well versed with the API. We're doing this for our big media brands today. It doesn't mean that you can't not publish video in the old way, 它在特性和功能方面会更有优势 ... 有人会怀疑,一旦用户通过广告盈利建立了收益分成.

Eric:   Right. 说到盈利,这显然是OTT发行商和内容所有者的一个重要话题. 这种模式在盈利方面,特别是广告插入方面有何作用?

Matt:  We've been doing ad insertion for a couple of years. Anyway, we were one of the first in the state to do it. 我们能够在电视上随处可见的广播中替换广告,即OTT组件. However, a caveat there. Sometimes with very big broadcast brands, 作为一个整体,我们投入了大量的收益,有时我们允许广播广告播放.

Eric:   Okay.

Matt:  真正有趣和新颖的是我们可以按地区定位的想法, even target down to the zip code. 对于一个地区体育网络来说,这意味着我们可以让他们上传与该地区相关的商业广告. For example, the tri-state Ford dealers want to buy 250,000 ad impressions against a broadcaster's content, 我们可以使用Avast的免费技术,这样当广告插播时,我们就知道这是一个三分钟长的pod, 其中两分钟用于国家有效载荷,最后一分钟用于区域或本地化. We can take it even further. 技术和建筑都在那里,所以在城镇的东边或西边, we can deliver ads to people specifically down to the zip code. 广告空间还没有真正得到宗教信仰,但我认为这只是时间问题.

Eric:   Sure. 你曾经公开宣布过一些客户,福克斯体育,环球 ... are there other recent customer developments that you can share?

Matt:  有一些非常有趣的事情我还不能在展会上说. Active testing and really kicking the tires. 我们很兴奋,我们认为我们将在Streaming Media East上宣布一些我们认为非常令人兴奋的事情,我们期待着届时讨论它.

Eric:   好的,我也期待着和你讨论这个问题. 这是Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen在NAB 2015上对来自Anvato的Matt Smith的采访.


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