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vMix云 and Other Indispensable Cloud Production Tools

What are some of the essential cloud-based tools for live production workflows? 埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森主席 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as采访制片人科里·本克 & 创始人之一, LiveX, and John Porterfield, Webcast 生产商, Social180Group,大约 vMix cloud and other indispensable cloud production tools that their organizations use.

Schumacher-Rasmussen begins by asking Behnke what specific tools he finds most useful for cloud workflows.

“vMix in the cloud is probably one of the best,” Behnke says. “I was a Product Manager for Livestream Studio in 2014 and ’15, 我就说, “vMix, 这个vMix是什么 Teradek 正在使用at NAB?” He emphasizes that vMix is now an essential tool for LiveX. “我们有一款硬件产品叫做 生产机器人 他说:“那vMix就跑了。. “We sell maybe five to 10 boxes a month, and to all kinds of clients, 狐狸 不管. And the adoption of vMix over the last two years has been incredible. It's probably been the number one software for broadcasting as far as adoption from professional broadcasters to streamers, where we've seen streamers adopt it heavily. And then broadcasters adopting it…and where they've met [in the middle] is in the cloud. So we use a lot of vMix in the cloud.”

Behnke gets into more detail about the tools LiveX uses for its products. “虚拟视频控制室, our software that we built for the 民主党全国委员会 这是持续的 AWS, that really is a broadcast router,” he says. “这类似于 黄土抗利尿.” However, he notes some issues with 黄土抗利尿. “Our problem with 黄土抗利尿 is that you needed an engineer to run it. 这是一个很棒的软件产品, but it gets you into this alleyway of, 就像, 哇, 我只能拥有一个非常敬业的人, 非常“书呆子”的工程师操作它, 正确的? And so we created 虚拟视频控制室 off of 灵活的横幅 为了获得多视图, 获取流, to get destinations to do just simple things, 然后把NDI放到云端. That should be a very simple thing for people to be able to do. If I could solve the communications piece, we've solved all the other things with this product with those two pieces where you can do anything. 没有什么是你做不到的. And it's pretty scalable as far as all kinds of projects.”

John Porterfield of Social180Group says, “I'll give a shout-out to Corey and his team. They've done a fantastic job in what they've developed, and I think there are a lot of great tools. There are a lot of great solutions that are coming into a place where we can then test and validate, 确保一切正常. But I think, coming from an operator perspective -- that's me. I need to ensure everything's working [and that] I understand it. 我不是程序员. My job is to make sure that I deliver on that as a webcast producer and operator. So I think everything that we look at is always looking at the bigger picture.”

Learn more about cloud production tools at 流媒体东部2023.

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