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蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2022,这里是波士顿威斯汀科普利酒店. 今天和我在一起的是来自维蒙德的梅根·瓦格纳. 首先,告诉在美国的观众.S. 谁可能不知道维蒙德,公司到底是什么.

梅根·瓦格纳: 绝对. We are an OTT streaming technology vendor, and we deal primarily in the video CMS space. 总部设在挪威,

蒂姆Siglin: 你参加了一个讨论云广播的小组. 告诉我们云广播对维蒙德意味着什么.

梅根·瓦格纳: 这是一个有趣的概念, in terms of working on a streaming vendor versus a more traditional kind of broadcast playout vendor. Wat we started the conversation with is kind of the definition and educating a little bit to make sure we were level-set on what that was. But the idea of broadcast being one-to-many versus more of the streaming, unicast type of solution. 就我们今天讨论的内容而言, 这是广播公司为进入云端所做的很多事情的历史. And then just things that you need to identify in terms of what to ask vendors what viewers you're going to have and how a lot of the business models are different.

蒂姆Siglin: 很明显,他们会在什么设备上消费,诸如此类的事情. Now, what has the pandemic done for Vimond in terms of the acceleration of that cloud broadcasting?

梅根·瓦格纳: 我想你们可以想象,它加速了很多人的想法. 我经常说,2021年是接受云广播的想法, 2022年是大量采用的一年. 我们还发现, 至少对很多有进入壁垒的初创公司来说是这样, that's really lowered a lot for people so that they are able to find tech solutions that can enable them to have a pretty niche streaming solution, a niche channel--something that maybe they didn't think that they could accomplish before. 所以, 再一次。, it's educating people on what they need to make this happen and then finding the right fit. 你知道,这是一个很好的商业模式. 你必须有正确的目标受众. 所有这些都是基于技术之上的.

蒂姆Siglin: 不错的. 维蒙德显然是从北欧开始的然后在泛欧进行研究, 现在它在美国.S. Is there a general sense of where the next potential market is beyond beyond these areas? 是在亚洲,还是维蒙德已经在亚洲有业务了?

梅根·瓦格纳: 实际上,我们在澳大利亚地区有很大的业务, 我们称之为亚太地区, 包括亚太地区吗. 所以我们和澳大利亚电信合作. 我们与许多Foxtel品牌合作,Streamotion, Binge Flash, Fox Sports. 所以我们在那里有很好的存在感. 自大流行以来,对美洲的关注确实加强了. 我们已经能够让一支球队变得更加成熟, 我们再次关注了更多的创业公司. 我们有像迪斯尼和康卡斯特这样的大客户. But now we're able to reach folks that are really just trying to get their voice out there.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


流媒体视频技术联盟的杰森·蒂博表示, advances in edge computing have changed the streaming ecosystem in ways that require cooperation between CDN competitors in order to best serve the needs of their end users


Effectively evaluating cloud broadcast services entails several essential considerations. CNN/华纳兄弟的本·拉特纳. 发现, 简·马赫是和声乐团的, and Megan Wagoner of Vimond discuss their experiences and offer advice on how to find the perfect cloud broadcast service for your needs

Brightcove的Yuriy Reznik谈论2022年艾美奖和上下文感知录音

Brightcove VP of 研究 discusses the benefits of Brightcove's context-aware encoding and how the renditions it provides differ from the content-aware encoding provided by other vendors in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.

id3as的Dom Robinson和Help Me Stream的蒂姆Siglin谈论流媒体的绿化

id3as' Dom Robinson and Help Me Stream's 蒂姆Siglin discuss the latest Greening of Streaming developments--including taking the conservation case to Parliament--in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.

位置,位置,位置:云vs. On-Prem vs. 混合流工作流

所有流媒体都在向云端移动,对吧? 别着急. Where you keep your content and do your work depends on your own particular circumstances. on-prem绝对不会消亡.


Streaming Video Alliance's Jason Thibeault and 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin discuss the maturation of the streaming industry, 流媒体绿色化, 流媒体中的女性, and the growth of the SVA over the last 2 years in this interview from 流媒体 East 2022.

Red5 Pro的克里斯·艾伦谈论实时流媒体

Red5 Pro首席执行官Chris Allen讨论了不断增长的超低延迟市场, 拍卖等应用程序中的交互式流媒体, 押注, and video conferencing and a multi-cloud approach to delivering it in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.

kweliTV的DeShuna Spencer谈论庆祝全球黑人故事

kweliTV Founder DeShuna Spencer discusses how the OTT channel curates affirming stories for the global African diaspora rather than focusing on Black trauma like more mainstream services in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.

LiveU的Mike Savello谈混合、雷米和云工作流程的移动应用

LiveU VP of Sales discusses how LiveU is enabling the evolving trend toward multicam mobile, 雷米, and cloud production using bonding-based workflows in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.

EZDRM的Olga Kornienko谈到了多云DRM的好处

EZDRM COO and Co-Founder Olga Kornienko discusses the value of DRM for large-scale live events and the fail-safe benefits of a multi-cloud DRM-as-a-service approach in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.

Panopto的Chris Knowlton谈VOD内容可搜索性的价值

Panopto Chief Evangelist Chris Knowlton discusses the advantages of making searchable training content available on-demand to reinforce what students learn in a live presentation in this interview with 流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin at 流媒体 East 2022.


Migrating from a data center to a cloud infrastructure for video brings attendant challenges whether you're streaming your content live or delivering it via VOD (or both); here, 来自Eyevinn Technology的专家, TAG视频系统, 美国公共电视台, and TV2 weigh in with their own experiences of cloud migration in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.


编码.com President Jeff Malkin discusses the speed and cost efficiencies gained when working with multiple cloud data centers and vendors for storing, 管理, 提供流媒体内容, and why and when others should (or should not) adopt that strategy in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


TAG视频系统' Peter Wharton and 流媒体's Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen discuss how OTA broadcasters should be following OTT providers to the cloud with "their origin and everything else they're doing" as soon as possible--if they're not among those already moving in that direction--in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.

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