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Video: How to Leverage Data to Monetize OTT Content

Jarred Reeves, Director, OTT & International at Machinima, 本文讨论了OTT内容货币化的挑战,以及实时数据在追求有效货币化策略中的价值.

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Jarred Reeves: We're in the business of gaming, and kind of that geek and fandom culture, 所以我们的创造者所创造的许多内容都是游戏玩法攻略, Minecraft being the most popular. Anybody with kids knows Minecraft.

I'll use Comcast Watchable as an example. 去年9月,他们推出了自己的平台,我们也加入了他们的行列, as kids are jumping on the platform, 父母们打开机顶盒而不是Netflix给他们看, Minecraft pops to the top every single month for us.

But the challenge, I think, 我们最常面临的问题是,我们关注的许多平台总是把数据和报告放在路线图的底部, believe it or not. Working with YouTube we get real-time data, 所以我们不断地升级和改变这个项目,因为我们看到了不同的东西. Whereas if you get data 45 days in arrears, 这让我们很难像以前那样灵活. 但是,我的意思是,数据确实推动了我们在所有平台上的内容投资.

我们真正想做的是让我们的内容进入盈利渠道. You know, the audience is there for us. 问题不在于用户,而在于盈利. That means figuring out how to channel, in the United States alone, 2500万用户在特定的平台上观看特定的内容,这样我们就能在制作的内容上获得最高的投资回报率.

And then at the same time, 为观众提供消费内容的服务——对于Machinima和许多其他mcn来说,这主要是在YouTube上, and now Facebook, and Snapchat is a growing environment for us. 但你要明白,你不能把一段内容放到任何地方,期望它的表现都一样, or to have the same following. 这需要一定程度的推广和对每个平台的了解, which is a challenge at Machinima. 我们在今年一月开始了我们的Facebook计划, 在那之前,我们每个月有100万的浏览量,而现在,我们每个月的浏览量达到了5000万, so it's really about, for us, kind of just trying to focus, with all the millions of platforms that are popping up.


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