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了解更多关于实时事件流度量的信息 流媒体东连接2021.


凯西•布: When I got started with Gigcasters around 2014, we were doing a lot of pay-per-view concerts. And so our metric and our clients' metric was ticket sales. How many tickets did we sell, did it cover production costs? 你和乐队是怎么分手的? 我认为这仍然是一个有效的度量标准. And I think that pay-per-view has more legs now than it did six or seven years ago, 就因为人们不能去会场. 他们在想, “好吧, 好吧, I now understand that I need to support these artists, and ticket sales is one of the ways I can do that--virtual ticket sales for pay-per-view.“那, 在另一个案例中, 我们有一个客户有一个订阅OTT应用, and so they would measure success by how many subscribers they had on a month-to-month basis, 这个数字是上升还是下降?

These are the old metrics and I do believe that there is a new set of metrics coming in. A lot of this has to do with the entrance of brands, 大大小小的流媒体空间, recognizing that they're going to be spending their ad budgets on streaming. They spent them on streaming last year because they had to, because let's say you were the title sponsor of a music festival and that music festival went away. 你把广告预算放在哪里了? We saw a lot of that shift to streaming and we were measuring success again in terms of impressions and eyeballs. 这是一种追踪, 从技术角度来看, the same way that the early days of internet advertising tracked: first you looked at impressions and then you looked at maybe engagement.

But I think there is still another set of metrics that, that are gonna emerge and that we need to be looking at. And this also kind of relates to the previous point about smaller audiences and specialty content. What John said was really great in that you need a cadence. You can do one event and you can dump a bunch into that one event and hope that you strike it rich on that one event. But for some brands can be successful with a smaller audience if they get that audience coming back every week, 因为观众喜欢这些内容.

We work with a company that manufacturers barbecue grills, and they have a regularly scheduled live stream with their brand ambassadors that are barbecue pit masters and chefs. 观众就是拥有这些东西的人, but also people that enjoy the content and enjoy the barbecue grill and cooking on it. 所以他们想一次又一次地回来. And so they're really building up a loyal fan base and really engaged viewers. That's a little bit tougher to measure because now you're trying to track not just numbers, 但在社交媒体上, you're trying to track repeat views and get a handle on how loyal somebody is. I think that's going to be the next generation we see, 随着品牌开始接受流媒体内容, 越来越多.

这个行业的指标, it's hard to dismiss the fact that probably one of the most disrupted industries on the planet is the advertising industry. A $503 billion industry where there the old school mentality is realizing that people are moving to their connected devices to consume content. And the average consumer attention span is now dropped from 12 seconds down to 8 seconds. In a lot of conversations with our bigger brand clients, 直播的力量, the real most important metric is average watch time by the audience. 如果处理得当, 这个品牌, the advertiser can address three of their biggest challenges: cord-cutting, 进行, 品牌安全. 我们看到人们在收看, if this is done properly for significant blocks of time,——平均观看时间可以是6分钟, 8, 12, 13, 18分钟. 在某些情况下可能是一个小时.

凯西•布: 在某些情况下,我看到一个小时, 还有一个急转弯, and then it hits a plateau if you're watching the real-time tracking and they watch the whole time, and you see relatively good alignment between the peak viewer count, 平均观众人数, 以及独特的观众数量, 所以你知道人们真的很投入.

约翰·帕特塞利: And I think that the marketers care more about that than they do the size of the audience. 所以这是适用的 ... 你可以有一个小众的内容, but if you can engage that audience for very significant watch time, 这对品牌和品牌营销人员来说是非常有价值的. 我认为这才是真正有力的衡量标准. I spenda lot of my time convincing brands to take some of their traditional media spends and invest them into this industry because it's far more economical than buying traditional TV time. That consumer that they're trying to reach is probably not watching Law and Order on Thursday night on NBC and sitting through the State Farm ad, 但如果你让他们看直播视频, they're going to watch again for that sustained amount of time. That's very, very powerful, especially now more than ever.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Bulldog DM CEO John Petrocelli discusses the evolution of live music streams since the start of the pandemic, and lessons he believes the music industry has learned from a year essentially without in-person events about creating compelling, 互动, collaborative live streaming experiences for artists, 他们的粉丝, 投资品牌.


COVID caused a seismic jolt to live streaming business models, but the industry responded with invention and innovations that will impact live streaming for years to come.