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Live Content Discoverability, Reliability, 快2.0

How will consumers find content in the approaching 快2.0时代, 以及FAST供应商将如何在平台及其覆盖范围不断扩大的情况下保持高可靠性性能的QoE? 在这段视频中 流媒体连接2023jonathan Barbato,联合首席执行官 最好的频道, talks with Rema Morgan-Aluko, Vice President, Software Engineering, Platform, 愚蠢的举动, Vudu, 烂番茄, Kevin Parks, Senior Director, Field Engineering, 紫溪, 关于免费广告电视在未来几年将面临的技术挑战以及如何应对这些挑战.

“Having been around in the 80s when television and live TV had appointment viewing, 周四晚上是一些事情, Monday nights were some things – that's gone, or at least it's going away for a lot of the younger viewers,巴巴托说. “And live certainly matters when it comes to sports, events, other content. 但是人们怎么知道呢?”

Morgan-Aluko强调,愚蠢的举动专注于灵活适应各种平台上的所有类型的编程发现. “从愚蠢的举动的角度来看, our view is that the consumers are really just looking for choice,她说。. “我们希望确保他们有选择. 他们追求的是内容. They're not necessarily chasing the mechanism and where that content is. 他们只想找到内容, we need to be [on] whatever device they are, 不管是什么系统, provide them with the best experience possible.”

Regarding the post-pandemic changes to film release windows, 摩根-阿鲁科说,愚蠢的举动现在通过提供高质量的影院外观影体验,适应了更短、更小规模的影院上映. “If you're not a consumer who goes to the theaters as much anymore, we want to make sure you have access to that content and have access to it quickly,她说。. “所以在我们的Vudu流媒体平台上, 我们提供一流的设施、视频和4K,以确保体验同样良好.”

Further underscoring 愚蠢的举动’s aim to guide discoverability on as many platforms as possible, Morgan-Aluko说, 比如菜单上的 Roku, LG, 三星, along with offering as many ways to consume the content as possible. “他们想租吗?? 他们想买吗? 是通过广告免费提供的吗? 他们看到预告片了吗? 我们想要确保他们在任何地方都有这些内容,因为我们无法预测这个行业将把我们带向何方,她说。. “In the pandemic, we've seen this whole shift, right? 我认为许多公司和工作室都在努力想出最能吸引眼球的东西. And everyone's trying different things and you just have to be ready to pivot. 从工程的角度来看, 我们的重点是让我们以一种经济有效的方式为尽可能多的情况做准备,这样业务就可以根据不同的消费者行为变化来调整.”

Barbato asks Kevin Parks of 紫溪 what he thinks about live discoverability. “What 紫溪 does is get the content there incredibly reliably,他说. “所以无论是现场直播, 就像一场体育赛事,你可以把传统的贡献重新投入到生产环境中, or if you're actually doing the distribution of the FAST channel out to different platforms, 或者给第三方,比如 Amagi, who then get that content on out to different platforms.”

Parks mentions that the ways TV was broadcast essentially remained the same for decades, 要么通过发射塔, 电缆, 或卫星, 消费者开始期待这种可靠性. “因此,在FAST频道世界或流媒体世界中复制这种可靠性是我们进入的一部分,他说. “就实际发现而言, 就像雷马说的, there's all sorts of traditional paths where you're marketing it, 网站上, there's still platforms that have guides there, 有这样的事情. 但还有社交媒体, 甚至在体育赛事期间做一些事情, 现场剪辑,然后在一个节目中引起病毒式的兴趣,因为有一个很棒的戏剧或其他什么, 你开始在社交媒体平台上发布这些信息,然后让人们通过这种方式发现它.”

Parks also highlights the large potential of social influencer marketing. “We haven't talked much about influencer kind of content,他说. “但是有很多关于 YouTube getting into the FAST space soon and probably with a lot of influencer content. I was interested to find out in China, they'll do live events where some influencer will go shopping. They'll get a million people watching that at one time. 所以也有这样的内容. 一次又一次, doing that with the same level of reliability that we've all expected from television, 它必须起作用. 这就是子溪的作用所在.”

Learn more about FAST, live streaming, discoverability at 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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