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How to Manage Livestream Planning in a Pandemic

Watch the complete panel from 流媒体 East Connect, "在线直播 in a Changing World,“在…… 流媒体 YouTube channel.

Learn more about live streaming production at 流媒体西部 2020.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

莉斯哈特: From a large-scale perspective--let's talk about 奥运会 for a second. 因此,我们与世界其他地方的所有故事情节和赞助活动所带来的所有创意都推迟了, 合作伙伴关系, and where livestream might come in to tell one of those stories. So, not only are our clients trying to figure out what they're going to do, 在一个不断变化的世界里,我们使用内容甚至改变内容的灵活性, where even current events might change where a particular advertising campaign, if those are our clients ... 我认为,能够提供多种解决方案,能够在他们经历变化的过程中,以相同的内容或相同的百家乐软件为中心,这将使他们之间的合作关系变得更加公正, "We're here to technically capture what you have,“在一个竞选活动中涉及的每一个方面都不一定是无懈可击或保证的世界里,长期的合作伙伴关系.

So that kind of flexibility, and also coming from the jump with, “这是我们如何灵活应对而不是等待请求的方法”是我们专注于成为有价值的合作伙伴的地方,并且在不可预测性和不可预测的预算中保持我们自己. 但另外, 当我们不知道公共卫生状况将会如何时,我们正在考虑为一段时间做计划, 什么地方, 状态, and federal and all levels of 政府 guidance may be. 为了达到这个目的, 我们讨论的是, 假设, 三心二意, 这些需要在我们制造飞机的同时发射. 因此,它同时计划如果我们明天找到疫苗,一切都像我们梦想的那样进行,可能会有2019年的版本, 也, if, no one can physically come, and something hybrid in the middle.

所以他们对生产商的要求,对供应商和像我们这样的合作伙伴的要求, 从我们被雇用的那一刻起,每天都要让这三个计划付诸实施吗. And then as we get closer day by day, 当日历日期到来的时候,我们会和我们的客户一起转向哪一个会真正发生. So the challenges that we're trying to navigate now are, "How do we do that? How do we reserve staff? 我们如何鼓励我们的客户扣动扳机,对某些决定说“是”或“否”,这些决定是为了让一场演出顺利进行所必需的. 同时也要意识到,对于这些人来说,资金并不是无限的.

So I'm identifying very specifically what those phases of decision-making are, knowing that we're going to 说 yes, until we have to 说 no. 这是我们处理各种规模事件的新标准, 和…一样大, 说, 奥运会, a convention or a gala, 或者一个正在进行筹款活动的非政府组织,现在仍然需要以同样的方式赚钱. The sensitivities are the same for all.

亚历克斯·林赛: Because I think we have relatively good, fast-twitch muscles. Most of our events are booked less than 12 weeks out, for better or for worse. 我们可以在12周内举办很多活动,因为这是我们过去十年所做的. Oftentimes it's much less than that. 在很长一段时间里,我们的平均时间是两到三周,通常是在全球范围内建立一些东西.

我们的许多企业客户刚刚决定,“明年6月之前我们什么都不做。." Until a year from now, 他们只是说, "We need to plan and we need to not think about this anymore.所以我们要做的是,面对新的现实,他们要计划到明年5月, 假设他们要做全虚拟的而且一个房间里不超过50个人.

它只是让他们固化了这种想法,这样他们就可以开始做选择了. For a lot of clients, the plan that they have is better than any other plan. The earlier you can create a plan, 你就能越早决定“这就是我们要去的地方”,而不是在大多数情况下迂回前进. It's better just to take a path. 我确实认为,我们的一些政治伙伴仍在努力弄清楚秋天会发生什么, and how far that they can take that process. But for a lot of our corporate clients, they've just written off the next year.

许多小公司通常生活在一个更密集、更紧凑的环境中. So they don't have to think about next year yet. 但他们中的大多数——显然是在夏季和秋季——他们计划只做虚拟的, and then they're hoping that something's going to come out. But the reality is we're not going to have a vaccine until January. It's not going to be distributed for another 3-6 months for propagation. 然后你还得应付一大群不会马上接受它的人. And so, middle of next year is probably about as optimistic as we expect to see.

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