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Challenges of Cloud Infrastructure for Live and VOD

Learn more about cloud migration at Streaming Media East.

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Magnus Svensson: 直播和基于文件的视频点播迁移与云基础设施之间的挑战和差异是什么?

Loke Dupont: For live, it's tricky because you've got to get a live signal from somewhere. And typically--at least in our case--that's an SDI input. 所以在某个地方有一些物理SDI信号,我们必须转移到云端. The other challenge of live is, of course, as you're adding more steps to move that somewhere else, you'll add latency, and latency is something that we typically want to avoid. So there's definitely a balancing act there, 以及通过添加长链来移动信号会增加多少延迟,以及如何在不影响稳定性的情况下将其移动到云端. 因为,当然,我们都知道,互联网连接并不总是完美的. 在某种程度上,在这种情况下,它会通过互联网,这可能是一个挑战.

然而,如果您正在执行基于文件的工作流,则基于文件的工作流往往更具弹性. You tend to get the files more ahead of time. 所以你有更多的时间在某些方面赶上,但你也可以重试那个传输. If that fails, you can really retry a live signal. If the live goes down, it goes down. 没有其他东西可以重试,因为你一收到它就会发送出去. 因此,直播和视频点播之间存在着不同的需求和挑战,这使得直播——至少在我看来——向云环境转移更具挑战性.

Magnus Svensson: Peter, do you want to add something on that topic?

Peter Wharton: I think Loke hit the nail on the head beautifully. Live production, of all the different workflows of production, playout, 而分布是真正能够在云中构建端到端工作流的最后一个障碍, 在运营和成本效率方面,哪一方面才是真正的价值所在. 我们已经看到,像电子竞技这样的云原生组织正在云中构建非常复杂的实时生产工作流程,他们已经将现场生产转移到云端. And their requirements are somewhat different from a major broadcaster, 但我们也看到,一些大型广播公司——欧洲的天空电视台(Sky)就是一个完美的例子——正在将直播制作转移到云端,并大规模开展. And so we're seeing this happen, and you have to address latency, reliability. You have to create control, 但是云的美妙之处在于,它能够为复杂的事件和实时生产构建准确的工作流, which you never dealt with an on-premise system. So you might have something with one M/E or six M/Es. It wouldn't matter. You could build whatever you needed.

你可以看到这些分层的生产系统和多个生产系统堆叠在一起来构建这个非常分层的复杂事件, and it scales on demand. So there are a lot of advantages in getting live production to the cloud, and that's where a lot of effort is being focused on today.

Our model is clearly different than a commercial, 在赞助模式下,我们的直播和接近直播的节目仍然会保持我们的传统,在这一点上是历史性的,通过卫星向当地电视台播出,然后通过广播向消费者播出. Partially, 这与节目的周转时间有关,也可能与新闻和公共事务节目的有限权利窗口有关, 对我们来说,通过传统直播链进行直播比通过云进行直播更有效吗, because of the management of that and the cost involved in it.

But I should say, though, 在过去的这个夏天,一个重要的里程碑是公共媒体系统在美国建立的新的引擎互联系统.S. 现在已经到了我们已经取消了大部分非实时或接近实时卫星信号的地步了吗. 我们向电视台传送内容的传统方式现在已经全部转移到基于云的传送方式, just stations on demand. And as a supplier, as a distributor, 这对我们来说是一个显著的优势,因为我们现在不再被某些方面的线性卫星信号所限制. Stations can wind up taking anything in our catalog that's in the cloud, and use it whenever they want within the rights windows. So, 这是云迁移的另一个方面,可能不是很明显, but that's been a significant one.

Peter Wharton: One other thing, there is no longer the need to have a linear channel. That's mostly file-based content being played out, delivered as a linear channel to the endpoints the way it used to be. But the flip side is, in live production, there's a lot more moving pieces to a live production, especially in a major news organization than just a TD running a switcher. So what we're also seeing is, 在一些新闻机构中,我们在云端建立了数百个多观众, that an operator can access remotely and configure from working from home. So now they can have 200 or 400 producers all working from home, switching between live events and producing live events, 所有这些都是在办公室里,在世界任何地方进行管理. So it's a wholly different model too, of how they're building live production at scale with some of these companies.

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