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蒂姆:欢迎回到流媒体东2017. 这是我们和来自Hulu的Tian Lim在Almost Live展台. 田,跟我们说说你自己吧.

田:嗨,我是林田. 我是Hulu的首席技术官. 在此之前,我在索尼PlayStation工作. 在Xbox 360之前. 在那之前是任天堂GameCube.

蒂姆:哦,哇,所以现在大部分时间都在玩游戏,也看一点电视. 好,太棒了. 对于那些今天不能参加你的主题演讲的人, 给我简要介绍一下发生了什么.

田:我很快地讲述了我们是如何把直播带到Hulu的. We really wanted to redefine the television experience and that brought to light some really interesting challenges in the industry that we didn't predict. 剧透一下,是关于元数据的.

蒂姆:好的,当然. 是的,是的.

Tian: I think the mechanics of live streaming are pretty well known at this point and time. But landscape's gotten a lot more complicated over the last few years because of TV Everywhere I feel. 结果就是更多的碎片化. The arc of that was these are the challenges we face and these are the things that we believe we need to see in order for the industry to grow and innovate faster.

Tim: What were some of the guiding principles that you had as you went through this whole model of launching Hulu's offering?



田:主要有三个原则. 电视围绕着你而建,一切都随叫随到,优雅而克制. 围绕你而建的电视就是为你量身定做的体验. 我们想要隐藏这是一个非常复杂的空间.


Tian: There are so many different kinds of 正确的s associated with different kinds of assets and we didn't want the viewer to have to even know about that.




田:应有尽有, we live in an on demand lifestyle and the classic electronic programing guide is a really, 对可用内容的了解非常有限, 正确的?


田:我们想把它打破. 我们呈现了一个以完全不同的方式呈现内容的UI, 但我认为它也促进了内容和渠道的更多发现. 最后, 优雅内敛, we just love TV movies and sports and so we wanted to convey that in the User Interface.

蒂姆:你说你炸毁了EPG, 从本质上讲,你是把所有东西呈现给能够观看的人, 无论是现场直播还是点播.



Tian: The other dimension is if you think about, “嗯, 我很想看电影.“我现在不应该去弄清楚哪个频道在放电影.


Tian: Instead we can just hoist that all into one collection that has all of the movies that are live 正确的 now and all the movies that are coming up soon. You'll find things that you never expected to see on channels you didn't even know existed.

蒂姆:好,好的. From that standpoint the programmatic element is much more important than what channel that it's on.


蒂姆:好,太棒了. What are some of the technical challenges that you all faced as you went through this process?

Tian: The first technical challenge was in the delivery of live or acquisition of live feeds and delivery. 在过去的几年里,这个行业发生了很大的变化. Different content providers now have investments in different vendors to deliver TV everywhere feeds.


田:有充分的理由. 这些供应商在端到端交付方面做得很好. 他们有自动化, integration with broadcast automation as well as all the things you need to deliver TV Everywhere. 问题是每个内容提供者都与不同的供应商合作.


Tian: Now we had to integrate with a lot of these different vendors in order to provide feeds.

Tim:认证在过去也是多个供应商的问题, 你们能处理好这件事吗? 单点登录, knowing if somebody has a local subscriber for their ISP that may block particular content, 诸如此类的事情?




蒂姆:我知道你是搞技术的,不是搞生意的, 但是有哪些商业挑战 ... You hear horror stories about what happened with a large telco who tried to launch something recently. 你们在创业之初面临的商业挑战是什么?


蒂姆:在宣传方面, 从营销的角度来看, 让人们愿意尝试你的技术.

田:, I think obviously we're doing a pretty radical redesign and rethinking of the experience so the first important step was to make sure we're both on the 正确的 thing. 为此,我们运行了一个相当大的私人数据.


田:我认为Hulu以前从未运行过如此大规模的私人数据. 这是最重要的. 一旦我们对现有的产品有了一定程度的满意, 我们并不一定想在发行时引起最大的轰动.


田:我们知道我们还有一些事情需要解决. But most importantly we wanted to set the 正确的 expectation, but we do have a great product. 花40美元是值得的.

蒂姆:最后一个问题. You mentioned that you'd worked in a number of companies that did gaming and you're obviously into TV. Did that whole presenting gaming or gamification mindset work for you as you were working on doing a redesign on TV?



田:这是一维的, but the area that's the most helpful is just understanding the mindset necessary to be effective at developing applications for living room devices. 这些设备通常没有那么强大.






田:没错,没错. They present very unique challenges and having the experience from the console platform perspective is very helpful there.

蒂姆:好,太棒了. 谢谢田. 这里是2017东流媒体直播.

蒂姆 :                      欢迎回到东2017流媒体. 这是我们和来自Hulu的Tian Lim在Almost Live展台. 田,跟我们说说你自己吧.


田:嗨,我是林田. 我是Hulu的首席技术官. 在此之前,我在索尼PlayStation工作. 在Xbox 360之前. 在那之前是任天堂GameCube.


蒂姆:哦,哇,所以现在大部分时间都在玩游戏,也看一点电视. 好,太棒了. 对于那些今天不能参加你的主题演讲的人, 给我简要介绍一下发生了什么.


Tian:                     What I did was I quickly told the story of how we brought live streaming to Hulu. We really wanted to redefine the television experience and that brought to light some really interesting challenges in the industry that we didn't predict. 剧透一下,是关于元数据的.


蒂姆:好的,当然. 是的,是的.


Tian:                     I think the mechanics of live streaming are pretty well known at this point and time. But landscape's gotten a lot more complicated over the last few years because of TV Everywhere I feel. 结果就是更多的碎片化. The arc of that was these are the challenges we face and these are the things that we believe we need to see in order for the industry to grow and innovate faster.


Tim:                      What were some of the guiding principles that you had as you went through this whole model of launching Hulu's offering?


田 :                     正确的, we really wanted to just rethink what a TV experience could be.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


田 :                     有三个主要原则. 电视围绕着你而建,一切都随叫随到,优雅而克制. 围绕你而建的电视就是为你量身定做的体验. 我们想要隐藏这是一个非常复杂的空间.


蒂姆 :                      确定.


Tian:                     There are so many different kinds of 正确的s associated with different kinds of assets and we didn't want the viewer to have to even know about that.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


Tian:                     We blurred the lines between live, VOD, DVR as well as MVPD VOD.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


田 :                     所有的需求, we live in an on demand lifestyle and the classic electronic programing guide is a really, 对可用内容的了解非常有限, 正确的?


蒂姆 :                      确定.


田 :                     我们希望破灭. 我们呈现了一个以完全不同的方式呈现内容的UI, 但我认为它也促进了内容和渠道的更多发现. 最后, 优雅内敛, we just love TV movies and sports and so we wanted to convey that in the User Interface.


蒂姆 :                      当你说你炸毁了EPG, 从本质上讲,你是把所有东西呈现给能够观看的人, 无论是现场直播还是点播.


田 :                     这是一个维度.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


田 :                     如果你考虑其他方面, “嗯, 我很想看电影.“我现在不应该去弄清楚哪个频道在放电影.




Tian:                     Instead we can just hoist that all into one collection that has all of the movies that are live 正确的 now and all the movies that are coming up soon. You'll find things that you never expected to see on channels you didn't even know existed.


蒂姆:好,好的. From that standpoint the programmatic element is much more important than what channel that it's on.


田 :                     正确的.


蒂姆:好,太棒了. What are some of the technical challenges that you all faced as you went through this process?


Tian:                     The first technical challenge was in the delivery of live or acquisition of live feeds and delivery. 在过去的几年里,这个行业发生了很大的变化. Different content providers now have investments in different vendors to deliver TV everywhere feeds.


蒂姆 :                      正确的.


田:有充分的理由. 这些供应商在端到端交付方面做得很好. 他们有自动化, integration with broadcast automation as well as all the things you need to deliver TV Everywhere. 问题是每个内容提供者都与不同的供应商合作.


蒂姆 :                      确定.


Tian:                     Now we had to integrate with a lot of these different vendors in order to provide feeds.


Tim:                      Authentication has been an issue in the past with multiple vendors as well, 你们能处理好这件事吗? 单点登录, knowing if somebody has a local subscriber for their ISP that may block particular content, 诸如此类的事情?


田 :                     我们支持电视无处不在的身份验证.


蒂姆 :                      好的,所以你使用相同的身份验证.


田 :                     正确的.


蒂姆:我知道你是搞技术的,不是搞生意的, 但是有哪些商业挑战 ... You hear horror stories about what happened with a large telco who tried to launch something recently. 你们在创业之初面临的商业挑战是什么?




蒂姆 :                      在刚刚这个词, 从营销的角度来看, 让人们愿意尝试你的技术.


田 :                     好吧, I think obviously we're doing a pretty radical redesign and rethinking of the experience so the first important step was to make sure we're both on the 正确的 thing. 为此,我们运行了一个相当大的私人数据.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


Tian:                     I don't think Hulu's ever run a large private data of that magnitude before. 这是最重要的. 一旦我们对现有的产品有了一定程度的满意, 我们并不一定想在发行时引起最大的轰动.




Tian:                     We knew that we still had a few things that we wanted to work through. But most importantly we wanted to set the 正确的 expectation, but we do have a great product. 花40美元是值得的.


蒂姆:最后一个问题. You mentioned that you'd worked in a number of companies that did gaming and you're obviously into TV. Did that whole presenting gaming or gamification mindset work for you as you were working on doing a redesign on TV?


Tian:                     You definitely learn a lot of things about designing for a big screen UI.


蒂姆 :                      好吧.


田:这是一维的, but the area that's the most helpful is just understanding the mindset necessary to be effective at developing applications for living room devices. 这些设备通常没有那么强大.


蒂姆 :                      正确的.






田 :                     在许多情况下.




田:没错,没错. They present very unique challenges and having the experience from the console platform perspective is very helpful there.


蒂姆:好,太棒了. 谢谢田. 这里是2017东流媒体直播.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SME '17: Hulu解释合并直播电视和SVOD的挑战

Blending live television and video-on-demand for millions of viewers is anything but simple, 特别是当每个内容提供者都有自己的存储信息的方式时. 以下是Hulu团队解决多重危机的方法.