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视频:Facebook Live和UGC视频直播的现状

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live here 2016年流媒体西部 in Huntington Beach. Today I have with me Omer Luzatti, head of the video platform at Yahoo. Let's talk about some trends, beginning with social media with live video content. Last year at 流媒体 West, you talked about the streams you'd done for the NFL. 当然,推特也采纳了这些建议. 我们有Facebook Live我们有提前做一些事情. 你觉得未来会怎样?

俄梅珥Luzatti: 我们看到的直播比视频要多. We start to see UGC live and how the big media companies start to embrace that tech solution and to use it. 这很有趣. In terms of the UGC part of it--mainly Facebook trying to go to the individuals and just show yourself when you are playing to yourself and when you are playing to a family--that seems not to be that successful at the moment, 有多少观众在看. 另一方面, 采用大型媒体, 这个消息, 政治, 体育, 等等......, 这似乎发展得非常快.

蒂姆Siglin: 这几乎像是主流媒体, 传统媒体, 是巩固Facebook的基础, 或者在某种程度上, giving them a credibility that they may not have had on their own, 因为他们现在似乎经常出现在新闻广播中. Such and such is on Facebook Live; here's a clip of what was shown. 这仅仅是因为Facebook的品牌力量吗, or is that because of the way that Facebook's doing the technological part.

俄梅珥Luzatti: 这是个好问题. The technology was there even in the past with smaller companies, 但直到Facebook出现并推出Facebook Live, 那不是很成功. Most of these smaller companies become niche companies trying to find their place now. If it's personal type of UGC things, some of them try to go after 体育 or minor leagues.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的. 这是体育运动之类的小众市场. 你的设置主要是为了现场直播, 不是按需的, 当然我们还有Vine, 他们刚刚废除了吗, 本质上是小片段吗. Do you think the decision to do away with that was because it didn't fit into the extended live model of 30 to 90-minute live events?

俄梅珥Luzatti: Seems to me that brings another beast to the table, which is 提前chat. 他们把这个视频点播,小的UGC放在那里. The way that 提前chat sees themselves is obviously as the future media company of this type of clips.

蒂姆Siglin: 在这些短片中.

俄梅珥Luzatti: 我不知道他们会用活人做什么, because are they going to compete with Facebook on live UGC 等等......, 他们可能会尝试一些东西.

蒂姆Siglin: Let's step back from the specific companies and let me ask a trend question. I was a professor, so I had Facebook long before most 人 my age did. Of course, at that point it was essentially posting some still images and a whole lot of text. Then the ability to post video came along, and now we have the ability to do live video. Do we see that as a trend that the younger social media companies, 推特, 提前, 和其他人, 要靠自己的努力才能活下去吗, 或者你怀疑我们会有新的市场入口, 但我们将从现场视频开始?

俄梅珥Luzatti: 我认为这与今天的社会息息相关, 我觉得可能是提前chat之类的东西. 他们正在做的是一种消费媒体的新方式. 你点击,你移动频道非常快.\

这对现场直播有用吗? We need a little more engagement between the viewer and the content. 这是一个很大的未知数.

蒂姆Siglin: 我认为第二个问题是我们如何扩大规模? One of the benefits Facebook has is they essentially can keep it all within their domain. 如果他们突然开始, 就像雅虎当年做的那样, 策划来自多个地点的实时视频, the limitation there is it can only scale to the weakest link in the entire chain.

俄梅珥Luzatti: 缩放是一个完全不同的话题, and it very much depends on what type of video streaming you are doing. 当你说话的时候, 例如,如果你谈论Facebook或雅虎, 当你谈到面向数百万人的流媒体时, 你对延迟的要求完全不同. You have different requirements on how you would like to propagate the data 等等....... 这能让你更好地扩展, 但是它会影响比如开始时间, 这可能会明显影响谈话的延迟. 到今天为止, you can think of it as at least 2 different categories of live streaming in terms of scaling. 一个有无数的频道, 但是每一个都是5, 10, 12, 人, 相比之下,10个频道面向数百万用户. Different technologies, different views of CDNs, different caching strategies.

蒂姆Siglin: Sure, quality of service, caching, latencies, that type of thing. 伟大的. 欧默,谢谢你过来和我聊天. 这里是2016年流媒体西部直播.

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