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蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live here 2016年流媒体西部. I have with me Heather Hurford who's a live video producer at LinkedIn. 希瑟,谢谢你加入我们.

希瑟Hurford: 谢谢你,蒂姆.

蒂姆Siglin: I understand one of the challenges you're trying to solve, 这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的挑战, 现场字幕不公开. 有很多不同的部分. How are you breaking down the problem and looking at the solutions?

希瑟Hurford: 这真的是出于需要, 领英需要在我们自己的内部环境需求中添加标题,以使我们的工作环境更容易接近和包容. 我有一段历史, 语言背景, 所以这对我来说是一个很好的项目,我实际上是在21世纪初为一个全国性的电视频道添加封闭字幕,当时联邦通信委员会要求在所有广播中添加字幕, 所以我有一些经验. I raised my hand and it turned out to be even more challenging than I thought. 我认为现在最困难的事情是,这个存在于广播世界的标准并没有被网络世界所采用,以及背后的原因, 就像我发现的那样并不是一成不变的.

蒂姆Siglin: 我回到这个行业已经18年了. I remember SmileFiles which were part of what Real implemented, 然后在Windows媒体上有了其他的技术解决方案. 我们有格式问题. 这是一个问题. 你还发现了什么其他的问题来解释为什么有些东西没有被采纳或者为什么没有标准本身, 上下文, 等.?

希瑟Hurford: 直播与视频点播的字幕不同, so I'm really focused on the live because I think that for on-demand, there actually are some pretty decent solutions out there. 有很多不同的文件格式可以使用. Most of the platforms support more than one file format so you've got options. When it comes to live, many of the players don't actually support true closed captioning.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以你的意思是来自特定视频平台的点播播放器可能支持时间标签,但直播视频播放器不支持?

希瑟Hurford: 完全.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. So it's not as easy as the old line 21 days where we did the insertions.

希瑟Hurford: No, 这就是问题所在,没有一个真正的标准被所有的在线媒体播放器所采用, 所以YouTube有一段时间有了一个解决方案,在后台添加字幕信息, 这对我们在领英做的编程来说不太好,因为领英就是不停地讲故事,没有很多休息, 所以它真的很难跟上它. 我们会丢失大量的文本, so YouTube was one of the first to add support for the 708 standard which is what the digital--

蒂姆Siglin: 相当于第21行,对.

希瑟Hurford: 没错,在广播界. 这很好,因为所有的装备都在那里, 字幕编码器, 这是他们提供的信息,所以我们在我们的信号流中添加了一个封闭的字幕编码器,所以当我们在YouTube上直播时,效果很好, 但许多其他平台不支持它. 以我们使用的内部播放器为例,它无法获取数据并在播放器中解码. 本质上, what we do as a workaround right now internally is we create two streams, 一个有文字说明,一个没有文字说明,我们让观众决定他们想要哪种体验,而不是来回切换.

蒂姆Siglin: 来回切换. 好的,本质上, you're doing what we used to call time code burn back in the day when we transferred from film, 所以实际上他们

希瑟Hurford: 这是公开的说明文字.

蒂姆Siglin: 哇. 这太疯狂了.

希瑟Hurford: 显然不是——

蒂姆Siglin: 这不是一个优雅的解决方案.

希瑟Hurford: 这不是一个优雅的解决方案. 就像我说的,这是暂时的变通办法, 这完全取决于平台,所以我们刚刚在Ustream上举办了我们最大的会议,Ustream支持708. We were able to get really nice, great user experience, closed captioning.

蒂姆Siglin: 法什的死对你的事业有什么影响, 因为Flash的优点之一是,它本身就具有一些时间文本功能. 显然,我们现在转向HTML5播放器. 你是否觉得HTML5玩家更优秀, 考虑到这一点的公司, 或者它仍然是一些支持它的人的大杂烩, 有些人不支持?

希瑟Hurford: 我在找一个大杂烩. YouTube and Ustream are the only big players that support it that I've found in the live space. Others will say they support it but they don't actually support the 708 standard, and they offer a different solution which oftentimes isn't a great user experience. 我看过一些文字说明... 我用引号, 标题, because it's actually a scrolling transcript that pops up in a separate window.

蒂姆Siglin: 窗口,对,没错.

希瑟Hurford: 对于大多数这些解决方案,您都有义务使用与他们合作的字幕提供商和质量, 它往往不是很好. I always like to point out that comprehension is tied to accuracy, so if you and I are talking and you only understand 70% of what I say, 这不是一个很好的谈话.

蒂姆Siglin: 这让我想到了一个有趣的问题. Having worked with some speech-to-text solutions in the last decade or so, 其中一个想法是,我们会在那里插入一个语音到文本的引擎,让它做那个,然后你把它放在字幕上, 但在现实中, 除非它受过训练, 你得到了65%的准确率. 另一种选择是让人坐在那里打字当然,我们都用它看直播新闻, 有些是语音上的, 等. You can come back later and clean it up for the on-demand asset, but where is the optimal solution for how to do that and what's your take on that?

希瑟Hurford: 实际上有一个中间地带, 这是我在LinkedIn添加字幕的过程中发现的,因为传统的转录员很难训练到超过一定的准确性水平. 能够达到90%范围的真正特殊的产品很少,而且需求量很大, 随着规模的扩大, as the volume of content that's being produced increases, 这是行不通的. I found that in other parts of the world people are using voice writers, 这是一个语音到文本的解决方案,其中仍然有一个人在接受内容并重新说出来.

蒂姆Siglin: 啊,读它. 重述它.

希瑟Hurford: 把它重新说成一个速度

蒂姆Siglin: 系统是经过训练的. 语音到文本的转换是为他们训练的, so they hear it and that would also help you from a translation standpoint if you went multilingual, 我想. 好吧.

希瑟Hurford: 是的,这样就解决了准确性的问题. 它保留了人的因素. 人工智能还没有出现, so you still have a human making a decision and interpreting in those moments where it matters, 坦率地说.

蒂姆Siglin: 这是迷人的. They may be interpreting somebody from their own language--

希瑟Hurford: 这就是我们正在做的.

蒂姆Siglin: 或者他们可能是在解读另一个人.

希瑟Hurford: We're doing all-English right now and the accuracy we're seeing is incredible and the cost is actually... 我不想用数字来表示, but it's actually a lot cheaper than what I was paying for live captioning back in 2002.

蒂姆Siglin: 过去,我们的母亲或祖母坐在我们旁边,告诉我们电视上所说的一切,这让我们感到不安,现在,对一个能做到这一点的人来说,这实际上变成了一件有利可图的事情.

希瑟Hurford: 它是. 这是一种技能,有趣的是,说到技能,转录员需要几年的时间来训练. 这是一种技能,实际上是老龄化的劳动力, 大多数这样做的人, so re-speakers or voice writers as they're also known can be trained in just a matter of months.

蒂姆Siglin: What percentage of those voice writers have a LinkedIn profile?

希瑟Hurford: 你知道, I don't know yet but there's a real business opportunity there in the United States like I said, 我知道他们在欧洲做什么... Everything is subtitled and captioned and it's done in multiple languages. 有巨大的需求和规模.

蒂姆Siglin: It's the kind of thing that you wouldn't physically have to be in the room to do, either.

希瑟Hurford: In fact, what we're doing is using an EEG encoder with iCap, so our captioning provider is remote. 他们用iCap云软件的密码拨号. 我们把节目音频发送到那里, so they're just hearing the audio and they're sending the captioning data back in.

蒂姆Siglin: Given the fact that it's a stream and you have multiple seconds of delay anyway, 他们收到了实时的音频信号, 就像刚开完电话会议, 意味着字幕会和视频同步.

希瑟Hurford: 好吧, EEG has; some of their encoders have a feature where you can introduce even more delay to close that gap.

这就是我们所做的. We actually close that gap and get it within five seconds. 有时它实际上是变化的,有时标题会正确,甚至会提前一两秒,这是 ... 我总是想知道观众是怎么想的.

蒂姆Siglin: 铅可以是一个奇怪的东西. 两秒钟后他会说. 嗯,希瑟,很有意思的谈话. 非常感谢.

希瑟Hurford: 谢谢你,蒂姆.

蒂姆Siglin: 再一次。, 我是LinkedIn的Heather Hurford, live video producer talking about the challenges of live video captioning.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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