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2019年伊始,我们进入了流媒体交付的第三个十年. 无论是作为个人还是作为一个行业, 我们完成了相当大的技术壮举, 尤其是在改变基于音频和视频的内容的消费方式方面, to the point that over-the-top (OTT) media consumption is rapidly replacing traditional broadcast viewership.

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然而,, 当我们朝着流媒体传播的四分之一个世纪前进的时候, 即使是最优秀的人,也仍有一些潜在的问题困扰着我们.

Balancing latency and scale, for instance, has been an identified conundrum from the outset. When progressive downloads of MP4 files gave way to true streaming via Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), 实时流协议(RTSP), 和实时消息协议(RTMP), there was a compelling need to use the infrastructure of content delivery networks (CDNs) to scale up these low-latency, session-based unicast streams to large (but still small compared to broadcast) audiences. We “solved” the scaling and port-blocking problem by reverting to hundreds of thousands of small files being downloaded and played back in sequence, 但是就总体延迟和延迟而言,代价很大.

This article will explore the current state of OTT delivery in three key categories—on-demand (VOD), live-linear, 以及现场活动消费——同时也要解决“下一步是什么”?流媒体进入第三个十年的问题.



在上面列出的三个类别中, the on-demand category continues to dominate overall OTT media consumption—searchable YouTube clips, 出现在你Facebook时间轴上的视频表情包, 以及你所有的Netflix订阅.

然而, while subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) accounts for the lion’s share of streaming media delivery—in use by 64% of U.S. 而2017年只有58%, 根据尼尔森-过去两年,直播OTT内容消费出现了显著增长.

Subscription video-on-demand (such as Netflix) accounts for 64% of all streaming media delivery, 根据尼尔森

有人估计,现在超过10%的OTT传输是直播的, 无论是以直播的形式, 用户生成内容, 或者通常被称为实时线性OTT流的重播流.

然而,根据尼尔森的报告,只有2个.7%的U.S. 家庭订阅虚拟多频道视频节目分发器(vMVPD)捆绑包, al虽然 there is a rising number of households (more than two-thirds overall) that have access to internet-connected televisions, which make switching from a traditional MVPD programming package to a vMVPD offering relatively seamless in terms of how live-linear content is consumed.

这种向直播OTT消费的部分转变是可以预料的, as consumers consistently express interest in “cutting the cord” of cable television distribution in order to align their media consumption spend with their consumption habits.

目前, 虽然, the overarching OTT trend is to consume significant amounts of on-demand content with the occasional foray in to live OTT media consumption.

这些消费者, 虽然, have identified a major inhibitor to completing their cord-cutting quest: Breaking news and live sports or events—like football playoffs or the Times Square ball drop at midnight on New Year’s Eve—aren’t widely available in an over-the-top format the way they are on cable television.

This deficiency in live content for OTT consumption has been raised numerous times over the past decade, 该行业已经做出了多种选择. 到处都有电视, offered by cable providers or MVPDs as a way to limit cord cutting by allowing consumers to view traditional cable television on their mobile devices. 最近, pure OTT providers or virtual MVPDs have offered skinny bundles that consist of a limited number of broadcast or cable channels for OTT consumption. So consumers now have the ability to watch live OTT content from almost any connected device.

这甚至适用于突发新闻和现场体育赛事的双重问题领域. 然而,并非所有的直播OTT体验都是平等的.

An early-2019 example may illustrate just how transitional the path is toward a wider cord-cutting trend.

因为ESPN拥有大学橄榄球季后赛(CFP)冠军的转播权, 于2019年1月初举行, the company also held the live-streaming rights to a widely anticipated game between the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Clemson Tigers.

ESPN在有线电视提供商网络上播出, meaning there was no over-the-air (OTA) broadcast of the game for non-cable subscribers to tune in to with the ever-popular digital antennas based on ATSC 1.0(即将被atsc3取代).0,在a中突出显示 最近 流媒体 杂志的文章.

Consumers that had cable subscriptions were allowed to use the ESPN app to stream the CFP game live—essentially a streaming rebroadcast of what they’d see on their cable providers’ broadcast, 还有ESPN的彩色解说. But those without cable subscriptions faced a bit of a Hobson’s choice with regard to their live-event OTT streaming options.

第一个, 消费者可以通过ESPN+应用程序订阅ESPN, 但没有以ott为中心的ESPN+服务通常提供的7天试用期. 偶尔暂停免费试用的商业决策是有道理的, 因为ESPN预计重大赛事期间的试用订阅量会激增, 从CFP到NCAA 16强决赛, 等.

第二个, 消费者可以观看CFP游戏的原始版本, 没有彩色注释, 这可能排除了戏剧的一些关键部分.

Since I don’t have a cable television subscription and was watching the game while visiting a friend who also does not have a cable TV subscription, we opted for the second choice: the SkyCam view of the game that was streaming free of charge on ESPN3.

总的来说,这次经历是愉快的, 即使是在被迫下载ESPN应用程序之后, since the iOS app itself has an integrated Chromecast button that allowed the SkyCam coverage to be cast to a large flat panel. 天空摄像机经常在四分卫后面, 以《百家乐软件》式的观看姿势, 在我观看的三节比赛中,几乎每一场比赛都清晰可见.

There were occasions where the single-camera stream might linger on a player who had made a key play, 当时ESPN的观众正在观看比赛的重播. SkyCam的版本没有重播,因为它毕竟是原始视频.

但这种体验本身的价值超过了入场费, and it proved again to me that OTT consumption of live-event broadcasts is technically feasible, 即使权利人选择削弱免费的整体生产价值, OTT直播.


作为 最近的研究 that Help Me Stream (a streaming industry not-for-profit that I helped found) conducted along with Wowza, 在生活方面,一种势均力敌的趋势正在迅速逼近, 与传统的用户生成内容相比, 随需应变的UGC.

在调查中, YouTube是占主导地位的UGC平台, 超过89%的受访者表示他们创造了UGC内容. 然而, only 81% of UGC creators that identified as gamers used YouTube to create and distribute UGC content.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


如果说2020年和2021年的故事主要是由疫情推动的流媒体增长, then 2022 and beyond is shaping up to be a period in which the industry has to adapt to a more complex ecosystem.


自2014年以来,订阅服务一直是最大的一块蛋糕. 从2018年到2024年,SVOD收入将增长510亿美元.

Viewers Prefer Licensed Content to Originals; Bad for Netflix?

根据普华永道的一份新报告, 观众大部分时间都在观看授权内容, 这对所有年龄段的人都适用.

什么定义了OTT? 即使是专家也不能就一个意思达成一致



未来属于混合服务. Creating an IP transformation that relies on multicast-assisted ABR streaming is a potential key to quality improvements and cost savings.


The coming 5G cellular revolution will bring big changes in how consumers view content on-the-go, 但更大的变化在于创作者的创作方式.


这是“电视3年的前一年”.0," and that means preparation—not just for broadcasters, but for the streaming industry, as well.


新的电视标准, 预计将于2020年在直播中首次亮相, 将最好的流媒体——比如4K视频——带到无线传输中.
