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The State of Enterprise Video 2015

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By the end of 2014, 一些跨国公司已经试用了较新的企业媒体平台. 目前可用的大多数现成平台都是基于云的, a few are hybrid, and an even smaller number appear to be on-prem-only solutions.

然而,它们都代表了对传统编解码器和交付方法的抛弃. 对于媒体和娱乐领域的人来说,这可能很难理解, 但Windows Media Server (WMS)的使用在许多企业部署中仍然很强大, 甚至在微软放弃Windows Media编解码器和Windows Media Player多年之后. 取而代之的是,微软现在倾向于通过H.264 video and AAC audio codecs, 并倡导自己的平滑流自适应比特率(ABR)协议以及新兴的动态自适应HTTP流(DASH)协议.


我们与几家公司进行了交谈,这些公司已经制定并实施了利用新协议的解决方案, 云解决方案, and even mobile delivery. One clear theme from these discussions is that there’s still no single, clear-cut solution, and that many aren’t yet ready to go to a fully cloud-based platform.

Moving Away From Overlay

Before we discuss a few examples of ongoing integrations, 让我们回顾一下2014年底企业视频领域发生了哪些变化.

企业视频领域最受欢迎的变化之一是传输层的同质化, merging video traffic into the rest of the enterprise’s data network. 这种将流量组合在一起的能力对于企业视频和支持它的IT部门来说,就像从专有的编解码器到基于标准的编解码器的转变一样重要. 这两种情况都将同步发生,因为向ABR技术的迁移需要HTTP.

Traditional enterprise media networks, many of which have been around for a decade, started out as overlay networks. 无论是通过使用虚拟局域网(V-LAN)还是真正分离数据管道和租用线路, 覆盖网络被认为可以将繁重的视频流量从关键任务的事务或操作数据中卸载出来. Remote workers generally would use a virtual private network (VPN), but the bandwidth was often severely limited, 这意味着很少有员工可以查看来自公司防火墙后面的流媒体内容.

The advent of dynamic, 基于HTTP的媒体技术——从前面提到的Smooth Streaming和DASH到苹果的HTTP 在线直播 (HLS)——使得将覆盖网络的视频流量整合到传统的以HTTP为中心的数据网络不仅实用而且令人向往. HLS本身已经成为事实上的标准,这要归功于它在许多移动设备中的应用, 从苹果基于ios的设备到更新版本的谷歌安卓移动操作系统.

When it comes to the cloud, 本文的讨论产生了两种截然不同的思路:企业媒体经理对持续存在的安全问题(特别是涉及移动用户时)的关注,以及他们的持续关注, ongoing interest in cloud-based solutions.

在我们采访过的许多企业通信经理心目中,安全问题比便利性更重要. 这是有充分理由的:迄今为止,云供应商在真正解决安全问题方面做得很少.

Until that occurs, 选择仅使用云计算取代其遗留解决方案的企业数量, or even cloud-centric, solutions will remain low. What are they doing in the meantime? 至少有两家公司的代表表示,他们的下一个系统将基于内部内容交付网络, or enterprise CDNs, rather than moving fully to the cloud.

Thomas Aquilone, enterprise technology programs manager with Lockheed Martin’s ISGS (Information Systems and Global Solutions), says his company assessed several solutions that were cloud-based and, 而感兴趣, 最终采用了E-CDN解决方案来解决安全问题.

“我们的下一代企业网络广播服务(EWS)需要能够做我们一直在做的事情,阿奎龙说, “but we also have to think beyond multicast. That led us to choose an E-CDN approach. The new solution has network appliances for edge casting, 我们宣布的获胜者将通过支持合同向洛克希德公司内部百家乐软件提供设备和支持.”

Aquilone’s point about “thinking beyond multicasting” is a valid one, as the death of WMS has led to the unintended “death of multicast,” to quote another enterprise video manager.

From the enterprise standpoint, multicast has always been a vision to aspire to, 作为一种降低将在整个企业中广播的内容的总体带宽需求的方法. 现在, 虽然, Microsoft and other companies are looking toward peer-to-peer solutions, a technology that was once reserved for gray areas of the internet.

Movement in this direction is somewhat slow. Microsoft announced a partnership with Peerialism 并在2013年国际广播大会(IBC)上展示了其Hive Streaming,作为解决可扩展性问题的潜在方法. 然而,这种解决方案在市场上似乎没什么吸引力, 正如Adobe(及其实时媒体流协议)和其他一些点对点供应商所发现的那样.

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