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SME 2018: Roku的Bernarda Duarte谈论频道收购和OTT直接出版

Learn more about OTT and live linear video at 流媒体的下一个事件.

Read the complete transcript of this interview:

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 East 2018. I'm 蒂姆Siglin, a contributing editor with 流媒体杂志. Go ahead, please, and introduce yourself to the audience.

《杜阿尔特: 确定. 我叫伯纳达·杜阿尔特, and I am Director of Content Acquisition from Roku, 总部设在加州. I've been with Roku for close to three years actually now.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 很好. And you were on a panel here earlier today?

《杜阿尔特: 我是. 该小组讨论了如何有丰富的频道和内容,以及用户如何找到足够的时间来观看这些内容, 能够消费这些内容.

蒂姆Siglin: And as a matter of fact, having a Roku, that is one of the things. 选择太多了. We used to talk about the 500-channel universe. Now it's the 5 million channel universe, it feels like. From your standpoint, you deal with acquiring content. How do you make decisions on what goes on a Roku box? 因为很明显, 就人们可以拥有的频道数量而言,没有限制. Is it anybody who wants to be on Roku can be on there? 或者是,“我们不打算让奶奶做她最喜欢的食谱频道?"

《杜阿尔特: 实际上 ...

蒂姆Siglin: 这可不是开玩笑. 这是一个严肃的问题.

《杜阿尔特: 正确的. 实际上, we do allow Grandma and many publishers to do their own channel. 我们推出了, 两年前, 直接发行商工具, which is a web-based interface that all you need is a MRSS feed. 它接在后引擎上. You can create a channel basically in 48 hours. 我们降低了进入壁垒. 所以,是的. 我可以有自己的频道. 奶奶可以看她的频道. 这是我们的平台与其他平台的一大区别.

蒂姆Siglin: How do people find those channels if there's so many channels? I mean, I would assume the user interface is a huge, huge deal.

《杜阿尔特: 正确的. We spend, obviously, a lot of resources in our features, our UI. 我们有一个通用的搜索工具,这个搜索工具可以搜索500个频道. So we have 500 channel partners passing the metadata. For the user, what that means is actually ... 我们得到最多好评的功能之一,因为它是一个不可知论的工具. 意义, when they search for a piece of content, the content is displayed from free to most expensive.

蒂姆Siglin: 哦,好吧.

《杜阿尔特: 所以我们不会把用户指向 ... “我看你是 ... “哦,听起来真不错.也就是说,就像我说的,因为我们对内容的中立态度,我们确实得到了 ... We're able to offer this to the users. Outside of the tool, we also have on the direct publisher side ... 当你想构建应用程序时, that tool allows the more niche content to also be included in search.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. And that was what 我是 going to ask. 我写了很多关于元数据的文章. Often times when I write about it or try to talk about, people sort of fall asleep because it's not a really sexy thing.

《杜阿尔特: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: But it's huge in terms of that search capability. 你提到了从最便宜到最贵,或者免费到最贵. Can people also then filter it by popularity? 他们能通过其他方式过滤吗?

《杜阿尔特: 是的. 在导航栏的左侧有一个顶部频道,你可以查看用户帐户. We'll generate, obviously, the placement of the top channels. 它一直在变化,对吧? Because that's consumption overall on the user accounts.

蒂姆Siglin: And then how much of what people can consume on a Roku device, how much of it's primarily on-demand versus live? Do you have a general percentage on that?

《杜阿尔特: 我们所做的, but it is a stat that is changing, obviously, all the time.

蒂姆Siglin: The trend in the industry seems to be toward live linear OTT. Is that the same model that Roku's following as well?

《杜阿尔特: 从内容的角度来看, Roku与所有提供直播内容的顶级合作伙伴合作. 比如Hulu. It's a partner of ours, and they launched a live product. YouTube launched the YouTube TV product. 我们和Sling合作. We work with a bunch of the virtual MVPDs as well. A lot of that content is being published through our partners.

蒂姆Siglin: One group that I work with is houses of worship where they'll do live, and then a number of them have actually gone to doing Roku channels. 当然, that channel will only deliver live content, 说, Sunday from 11:00 am to noon or 11:00 to 1:00. 在这些, 你是否鼓励这些基于事件的渠道去探索如何实现24/7实时线性, 或者是模型, “你做一些现场直播, and some on-demand as part of your channel."

《杜阿尔特: I think we were somewhat agnostic to that question in some ways. 因为内容是通过不同的合作伙伴进入平台的. A church, 例如, can publish a channel on Roku. Go live, like I said, with a direct publisher in 48 hours. 我们所做的 think that VOD is still a good reason why folks have an OTT device. Because they want to consume content on their time. 正确的? 当涉及到体育、新闻和一次性节目时,现场直播绝对是非常重要的.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的.

《杜阿尔特: 但将这些内容放到平台上显然也是我们的首要任务.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. Roku itself, do you have the Roku Channel?

《杜阿尔特: 我们所做的. 我们去年9月推出了这个项目. It's an aggregated experience for movies, TV shows. 附带广告的免费. 几周前, 我们宣布与美国广播百家乐软件频道合作,我们在该频道直播新闻. 我们将继续发展不同垂直领域的渠道,但这是我们的首要任务.

蒂姆Siglin: And then, just from a big picture, where do you see OTT going? You mentioned bot obviously is an important piece of it. Do you think that we will be moving more toward live for OTT? Do you think VOD will continue to dominate? 你对那件事的总体看法是什么?

《杜阿尔特: I think that we feel it's going to grow with both, 因为很多主要的电视网, 例如, have started to barely make the leap of faith into true OTT video. 所以我们相信它会继续向两个方向发展. When you look at the user base of Roku, the majority of our users are not subscribers of cable, 正确的?

蒂姆Siglin: 嗯哼.

《杜阿尔特: They can access live television with a tuner 正确的 on the TV. 这为视频点播和直播在该平台上继续取得成功留下了很多机会.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 很好. Again, I’m 蒂姆Siglin, and we'll be 正确的 back.

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