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回顾:Teradek Airmix Solo

Teradek Airmix Solo, 以前被称为Live:Air Solo, is a free app that enables iOS-based users to produce polished, 专业, 多摄像头直播流从手机或平板电脑. 如果你的iPad有蜂窝网络连接, that’s literally all you need to get started with Airmix Solo. Cellular connects you to the internet; then, 你可以找到你的iPad, 通过Wi-Fi连接其他两个摄像头源, 准备好捕捉和传输.

Airmix有两个版本:功能齐全的Airmix iOS视频制作套件(售价29美元.每月99美元),以及免费的Airmix Solo (下面的图1). This article will touch on some of the differentiating features of each version. 我们还将探讨如何Airmix独奏工作,以及如何使用它来提升你的直播流与最小的额外投资.

图1. Airmix的版本


Airmix Solo is designed for tablets, so the interface is touchscreen-based. 我在iPad上运行Airmix时,用双摄像头直播了这篇评论的视频部分. 图2(下面) shows a screen recording of Airmix running on the iPad stream, 我面对并指向一个摄像头(我的iPhone),另一个摄像头源的缩略图在左侧可见. 我在iPad的Airmix用户界面的左手边用手指往里一刷,把我的相机光源带了进来.

图2. 流媒体通过Airmix与两个相机源

I can switch between the cameras by pressing the input in the sidebar. 过渡选项包括cut, 淡入淡出, 从左边开始滑动, 放大溶解, although most producers will rarely use anything but 淡入淡出 and cut. Airmix Solo allows you to have two different transition preferences, one for your video transitions and one for your graphics. 这意味着我可以将我的默认过渡设置为视频的剪切和图形的交叉溶解, 我的图形会逐渐淡入淡出. 选择两种不同的过渡样式作为默认值的能力在完整版本的Airmix中是不可用的.

Airmix Solo支持多个视频源. 通常的配置是在运行应用程序的iPad上安装一个摄像头和一个外部摄像头. I turned off the iPad internal camera so I could use two external cameras. Airmix Solo allows me to operate completely wirelessly between the devices, with everything controlled by touching the iPad screen.

为了视频里的测试, I set it to use only the microphone on the camera closest to me for audio, but I can also set it to switch audio sources when I switch cameras. This means that if I have a game camera and a sideline camera, 当我切换到边线摄像机时,如果我切换到现场,Airmix将自动切换到音频, 如图所示 图3(下面). 然后,当我回到主摄像机时,我得到了自动的音频跟随视频过渡. 你也可以前后拖动音频混频器滑块来混合来自两个摄像机的音频.

图3. 在Airmix用户界面的底部, you can set On If Live for audio-follows video transitions.


Airmix lets you load in and customize various overlays, as well as create several kinds inside Airmix itself.. 您可以通过点击相应的框添加图像、自定义文本、计分板或标题. When you press Title, the Title Editor dialog shown in 图4(下面) 打开. Airmix includes a couple of very basic built-in tiles. 您可以更改图形的大小,在屏幕上拖动图形,或者更改不透明度. 当然,你也可以输入标题和副标题,但你不能在Airmix Solo中更改字体. 在Airmix的完整版本中, you’ll find more options for customizing your titles, 还有更多的头衔, 更好的标题, 字体选择, 字体大小. (你可以看到我用的蓝色的下半部分 图2.)

图4. Airmix独奏标题编辑器

Airmix Solo也可以让你覆盖计分板. You can have red, silver, or yellow, with three items: 首页, Away, and Period (Figure 5,下面). 和标题覆盖一样, the full version of Airmix gives you better scoreboard options—more choices, 更多的颜色, 还有更多的设计,可以更好地代表不同运动的细微差别.

图5. A basic scoreboard created in the Airmix Solo Scoreboard Editor

Airmix also lets you create overlays for custom text (下面的图6). 你可以添加“欢迎来到节目”这样的信息,”“谢谢收看,“下周见。,等等, 在自定义文本区域中构建它们. You have a broad range of fonts to choose from; a lot of flexibility in terms of left-, 中心-, and right-justified; and an option to make bulleted lists. 还可以设置文本位置和填充颜色、阴影、背景颜色和边框颜色.

图6. 自定义文本设置对话框

在本文的视频部分, 我创建了五个叠加, 而Airmix仍然会让我添加更多. 这是一个免费的应用程序的很多叠加.


如图2左侧所示,我已经使用了两个媒体源. 让我们添加一个新源. 图7(下面) 显示执行此操作的选项. The top item on the list is Teradek device, which refers to video sources.

图7. 添加媒体源的选项显示在左侧

Options include iPhone, Android phone, or an actual camcorder. 用a来做 Teradek video X比如VidiU Go、VidiU Pro,甚至是VidiU. All of those devices can connect in Airmix mode (formerly known as Live:Air mode). They will show up as devices on the local area network, Airmix Solo会把他们作为百家乐软件带来.

So, 除了智能手机, 你可以用数码单反或传统的长焦变焦摄像机来做运动, 婚礼, 或者其他事件. Being able to integrate real cameras is a great feature. Video Files refers to stock video media stored on your iPad. iOS摄像头特指iPad内置的摄像头(而不是iOS设备的外置摄像头). 如果我将iPad摄像头添加到现有的测试中, 这样我就能装个内置自拍摄像头了, 外加两个远程摄像头, which could be camcorders connected wirelessly or wired.

下一个选项是Core Devices. 在Teradek Core, Teradek的云服务器生态系统, 您可以创建一个帐户来进行绑定和多播或保存一堆预设目的地. 当我点击发送按钮时,它可能会将我的节目发送到五个目的地. 您还可以让远程人员管理Core.

Core的另一个优点是,你可以把其中一台相机带到另一个城市, 使用Airmix Solo推到核心, 无论你在哪里,都要把它显示为一个来源. This means I could easily cut between my local camera here in Frisco, 德州, 另一个在旧金山.


The Airmix apps do not have remote control of the camera settings in the phones. In the Remote app, on the camera itself, you can lock your exposure. You can also zoom, and you can control color, temperature, and tint. 你可以做很多事情,但你不能从主应用本身控制这些设置. A designated camera op (if you have one) will have to adjust them.

In the Airmix mixing app, there is a button to open image control. In 图8(下面),我使用滑块来编辑来自IEBA Blu的视频的颜色,IEBA Blu是我的主摄像头. I can adjust the Shadows, the Midtones, and the Highlights. I can save the settings or hit Reset to undo any adjustments I don’t like. 再一次。, 澄清一下, 你不能给相机上漆,也不能远程控制它,改变它的内部设置. 你只是在纠正Airmix应用程序中摄像头输入的视频. If the camera is overexposed and crushing the face, 你可以用这些控制把曝光降低一点,使它不那么令人反感, 但是你不会像使用相机控制一样改变相机本身的曝光.

图8. 在Airmix中编辑颜色

Another very interesting capability in Airmix is lens correction. 如果你用的是广角镜头或长焦镜头,这就很方便了. If you’re using a wide-angle adapter lens on the front of your phone, 它的两侧有点弯曲, 所以你想把它拉进去,这样你的水平线在整个框架中都是水平的. 你可以在Airmix Solo中这样做. 这很敏感,但你可以做到. If you have a telephoto lens, it tends to pull in the center a little bit.

你也可以在Airmix Solo中修复这个问题. The full version of Airmix has additional capabilities, like 绿屏. You can have multiple cameras all set up with 绿屏. 完整版也有“场景”.“你可以让一个人在绿屏背景或画中画上一个头衔, 所有这些图层都保存在一起,轻轻一点就可以调用,就好像它是一个摄像头. 就这样完成了. That is a really handy feature, but you’ll need to purchase the full version of


图9(下面) 显示设置菜单, 当你在流媒体直播时是无法访问的(因为它主要与流媒体设置有关). Here, you can choose broadcasting and encoding settings 和更多的. 在编码器设置中. 我将其设置为1080p编码,但您可以选择其他预设,例如720p和480p. 你也可以手动定制你的设置. You can turn on Portrait Mode if you’re doing vertical production.

图9. Airmix独奏设置菜单

在输入下,有解码器设置. This is how Airmix decodes the video coming in from other devices. There are also some paid extra features like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch chat. 每一个都是2美元.99升级. 然后, 你可以在应用程序的这三个不同的社交媒体平台上看到实时聊天并与之互动,而无需去其他地方. URL覆盖也是2美元.99.

另一个选项是记录输出. With the free app and no add-ons, you can stream, but you cannot record locally. 一次性收费9美元.99 gives you the ability to record the program on the iPad itself. 如果您购买了该选项,您可以选择以比流式传输更高的比特率进行录制. This will ensure that you have a high-quality local recording, 所以如果互联网那边发生了什么事, 你可以在事后上传一份干净的拷贝.


正如你在各种图表中看到的那样, 用所有的叠加等等, there’s a lot happening on my iPad screen with Airmix running. 所有这些杂乱的东西都让我很难监控视频,也很难确保我的视频结构良好, 焦点, 等. When I touch the screen and move my fingers to the outside, 一切都消失了, 只留下我正在播放的视频.

我可以通过从右边刷屏幕把叠加带回来,从左边滑动把我的视频源带回来. Being able to dynamically bring in all these controls, while also being able to clear them away when I just need to see the picture, 非常漂亮. If you’ve got a 12" iPad, this means you’ve got a 12" view of your main program. 当你需要的时候,能够滑动所有的覆盖层并把它们都带回来是非常方便的.

我不得不称赞Teradek,它在iPad上一个看似非常简单的应用程序中整合了如此多的功能,并为手机上的相机遥控器提供了所有免费应用程序. By no means is it limited to what I’ve discussed here. 如果你想要添加硬件或解锁付费选项,那就取决于你自己了. 你也可以升级到更强大的完整版本的Airmix与更多的摄像头, 绿屏, 一个专用的音频混合页面, 即时重放, 和更多的.

Core生态系统也提供了许多选择. Adding these elements is obviously going to cost a little bit, 但在盒子之外(可以这么说), Teradek Airmix Solo是一个很棒的小免费流媒体应用程序,它包含了有用的功能.

[本文发表于2021年6月号的。 流媒体杂志]

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