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New Vidyard Live is First Video Streaming Solution Fully Integrated with Salesforce and Marketing Automation

Live streaming has become a prominent tool for businesses to engage with audiences when they cannot be there in person, but until now there hasn't been a way to know who viewed a stream or for how long. With today's launch of Vidyard Live, organizations can now see down to the individual viewer who watched, when and for how long - critical 信息 to understand engagement and convert viewers into customers.

"Live streaming is a great way to engage with remote audiences, but you can't know if you were successful or re-engage with those viewers unless you know who they are,迈克尔·利特说, Vidyard的首席执行官兼联合创始人. "We're essentially delivering Meerkat or Periscope for the enterprise with the ease-of-use that modern businesses expect. But we're going beyond the ability to simply broadcast your message, enabling businesses to track who's engaged in the live stream right inside their marketing automation and CRM tools to enhance customer insight."

Live streaming is now a popular tool across enterprises. From broadcasting customer events to scaling internal training and sharing executive communications, more companies are turning to live streaming to connect remote audiences with compelling content. The missing pieces have been how to identify those viewers when they are watching and how to know whether they were really interested in what they saw. 与Vidyard Live合作, a marketer or sales rep can see exactly who watched and then immediately follow up with the most engaged viewers when they are most interested in learning more.

Vidyard Live has been built to be easy to use, 使任何人能够跨市场, sales or internal communications to easily initiate a live stream on the fly or at a pre-determined time. 

  • 简单的设置 - Vidyard Live is built around a user-friendly workflow and can be set up in just a few quick steps. Organizers don't need to schedule their live streams weeks in advance. Vidyard Live can be started when it's needed, even at a moment's notice.

  • 知道谁在看 - Identify both external and internal live stream viewers and track their engagement within Vidyard's Analytics Center and leading marketing automation and CRM platforms such as Oracle Eloqua, mareto的, Act-On和Salesforce.

  • 自动点播视频 -现场活动结束后, the recording is automatically converted to an on-demand video asset available in the same player at the same URL. There is no need to manually upload or encode a separate file or re-embed the video.

  • 嵌入在任何地方 - The Vidyard player for live streaming and on-demand videos can easily be embedded on any web page, 着陆页, and even within a Salesforce Chatter feed or Salesforce Community. Vidyard's HTML5 player supports all devices and screen sizes.

"We've always believed that video is the next best thing to being there in person, and that makes it a powerful sales and marketing tool in an age when your potential customer could be thousands of miles away,利特说. "We continue to innovate and execute on our vision to help businesses engage with their audiences and generate more revenue through the use of online video." 

Already the first video platform to offer comprehensive integrations with Salesforce and leading marketing automation platforms, Vidyard最近也成立了 个性化的视频 功能. 包括联想在内的公司, 霍尼韦尔, LinkedIn, Cision, TD Ameritrade and Citibank rely on Vidyard for their video marketing and analytics needs.

To learn more about Vidyard Live, visit www.vidyard.com/live or register for the upcoming webinar How to Use 在线直播 for 更多的 than Streaming Live Stuff.


Vidyard (推特: @Vidyard)是业内领先的 视频营销平台 that helps marketers drive results and ROI with online video content. 与Vidyard, customers can add video to their websites in minutes, 获得实时分析, syndicate video to social 网works and YouTube, 创建行动号召, 优化搜索引擎点击率, 捕获导致, and brand their player skins all from one place. Vidyard integrates with key marketing automation and CRM tools to deliver user-level video engagement data, 将浏览量转化为销售额.

行业公告's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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