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As we continue to deal with the repercussions of COVID-19 lockdowns on large gatherings, 活动组织者和制作方正在适应对虚拟活动日益增长的需求. 面对新的限制和仍处于陡峭学习曲线上的客户, 要满足对高质量内容的期望是很有挑战性的. 为了应对这些挑战, webcasters everywhere have had to quickly adapt to the realities of using conferencing platforms such as Zoom, 微软团队, 网讯, 还有很多其他的.

The target audience for this article is anyone who is interested in knowing what gear and skill sets are required to produce a virtual live-stream event and experience. It’s beyond the article’s scope to cover all of the various intricacies of every platform, 为了演示目的, 我将主要提到Zoom, 因为它是我和我的同事使用的最流行的会议系统.


如果你跟上我的 流媒体 专栏,视频医生,你知道我是所有的业务需求. Building cost-effective solutions that produce high-quality results means being able to work within the restrictions of a budget, 时间框架, 百家乐软件可用性. This statement is equally true for tech as it is for just about all business decision-making. My first step with a client who is looking to live stream a virtual event is to gather the requirements. 我为这类人建立了一个在线调查(videorx.com/survey). 它考虑到地点要求, 内容的目标目的地, 与远程或现场演讲者/人才相关的后勤工作, 和更多的. If I feel it’s too much for a new stakeholder or product owner to fill out the survey on his or her own, 我将在与客户的第一次通话中使用它作为指导.


The most important detail derived from the survey is how the audience is going to view the live event. 通常, it boils down to one of two options: The audience member will either participate actively in the videoconferencing platform (e.g., join as a Zoom participant) or view a webcast of the meeting within a video player hosted on a website or social media platform. 在某些情况下, 这两个选项都可用, in which premium ticket buyers have access to more interaction with the event speakers, 而普通购票者只能观看.

The second-most-important detail is how the presenters will be “captured” for the intended deployment target(s). Will there be traditional on-site A/V gear such as professional cameras, microphones, and lighting? 现场演示者需要与远程演示者进行交互吗?

The third-most-important detail is how the technical director (TD) of the virtual event is managing various assets, 包括本地和/或远程演示者的实时提要, 幻灯片, 屏幕上的股票, 视频点播, 并将这些资产呈现给观众. Most videoconferencing systems enable a host or moderator to control the view for everyone else in the meeting space.

The fourth-most-important consideration derived from the intake survey is knowing what gear will be required to realize the vision of the virtual event. 软件工具的组合, 硬件, and A/V gear required will depend on the answers to all of the previously described survey questions.

当您考虑解决方案时,创建探索各种选项的图表. 图表可以揭示执行过程中的问题,例如音频反馈.g.,不执行混合减). 图表清楚地展示了客户和生产人员的设置. 接下来,我将探索一些常见的场景,从简单到复杂.


如图所示 图1(下面), the “easiest” input and output scenario for remote virtual event production focuses exclusively on the videoconferencing service being used for gathering presenters and the audience. 为了提高演示视频的质量, 外围HDMI或SDI捕获设备,利用USB 3.0, USB-C, or Thunderbolt connections to the presenter laptops should be used instead of traditional USB webcams and microphones. Make sure your capture devices are recognized by the videoconferencing software and that your drivers and conferencing software are compatible.


图1. 视频会议进出(注:在这个图和下面的图中, 齿轮部件没有按比例显示.)

如果你期待从演示者那里得到全高清的质量, 在节目开始前测试每个主持人的带宽. Your videoconferencing provider may not necessarily capture and broadcast presenter video in full HD without specific options enabled. 例如, Zoom doesn’t enable group HD by default and may require customer 支持 assistance to add it to your account. (详细信息请参见 支持.变焦.us/hc / en - us /文章/ 207347086 -集团高清.)


管理事件流的另一个常见场景见 图2(下面), 其中使用了与图1相同的输入, 但是视频会议空间没有被参与者利用. 而, a capture of the videoconferencing space is output to both a recorder and 硬件 (or software) encoder, 它推动了一个流, 通常是实时消息传递协议(RTMP), 到流媒体直播提供商或Facebook或YouTube等社交媒体平台.


图2. 视频会议输入,流媒体输出

捕获可以通过多种方式完成, but it can be as simple as mirroring the video conference at fullscreen to an HDMI out from the A/V tech director’s computer, 如图2所示. 镜像输出可能需要采用广播规格,如1920x108059.94帧/秒. Make sure the computer’s HDMI output is capable of producing a signal that’s recognized by the remaining A/V components in the chain.

While some videoconferencing platforms have an option to directly stream the meeting or webinar to an RTMP destination, 可能会有不需要的工件, 例如右下角的大缩放水印, 包含在系统的推送中. 为了更好地控制从会议空间流出的内容, you can use a dedicated laptop to capture the screen and audio of the meeting in a preferred layout.


The catchphrase “remote video contribution” has been used often during the COVID-19 pandemic to describe the process of bringing remote presenter feeds into A/V systems. 高端产品更喜欢坚持使用经过验证的技术, using the same A/V 硬件—such as professional video switchers with SDI inputs—that was utilized for broad­casting pre-COVID.

In this scenario, videoconferencing systems aren’t used as the central hub to manage the broadcast. 而, they provide real-time ultra-低延时 and (hopefully) high-quality audio and video inputs to your existing video switching and webcasting gear. The only hurdle is figuring out the best way to capture the presenter streams from videoconferencing software. Here are some typical approaches that could be used with many existing webcasting setups.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Jan Ozer将主持研讨会, 演讲, 以及涵盖高级编解码器的面板, 用于远程制作的设备, WebRTC, 低延时, and reducing bandwidth and storage costs at 流媒体 East in Boston May 23-25.


罗伯特•莱因哈特's workshops will cover the latest tips and tricks for using FFmpeg and managing inputs and outputs for videoconferencing, while 演讲 and panel discussions will look at taking your webcasting and event streaming efforts to the next level.
