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Live Video Market Poised to Explode for Brands and Enterprises

In a world now dominated by video content, live video is proving to be the next frontier. The rising popularity should come as no surprise - viewers are enamored with the exclusive, 第一次看到, 窥视窗帘后面的感觉, and immediate access to content that live video provides. 思科的 视觉网络指数(VNI)预测 has identified live video as the biggest growth opportunity for new entrants and creators, forecasting it to be up 15-fold between 2016 and 2021. Media organizations have led the charge, 但对于品牌和企业来说, the push into live video is not as simple as within the world of media. Many of these organizations do not have the internal resources that media companies have for executing production. 为了应对这一挑战, Brightcove公司. (NASDAQ: BCOV), the leading provider of cloud services for video, has partnered with 论坛.tv to provide a comprehensive live video service. Brightcove powers the live video technology through the powerful Brightcove生活 平台,而论坛.tv brings it to life with full-scale production. Recent events streamed through this partnership include HubSpot's INBOUND 2017, VMware的 VMworld 2017, and internal live streaming of quarterly town halls with 史密斯菲尔德食品公司.

“在过去的18个月中, the live video market has captured the imagination of consumers globally and, 结果是, has exploded with opportunity for organizations of all kinds,“卡伦·乔菲, executive vice president and general manager, 数字营销 & Brightcove的企业业务部门说. “与论坛的伙伴关系.tv, Brightcove is removing the barriers to entry - content creation and production - offering every brand and enterprise the opportunity to engage their audiences with live video and take advantage of this growing trend."

Brightcove is paving the way to success in live video, having announced in April the launch of Brightcove生活, an API-driven platform that augments scalable live streaming with on-the fly clipping, 无缝VOD资产创建, 内容加密, 服务器端广告插入(SSAI), 云DVR. 此外,Brightcove的生活 画廊 功能在吸引受众之前, 在, and after a live video event by creating a branded pre-event destination, 一个实时流事件页面, 还有一个事后视频档案. Brightcove生活 has been successfully deployed for major global sporting events and simulcast linear television channels, 包括Foxtel, 它播放了最近的 梅威瑟和麦格雷戈的拳击赛 在澳大利亚的观众.

"The choice to live stream our events was critical to achieving our goals. We are trying to reach people who are busy, in many different places around the world, so enabling them to watch live is crucial,杰西卡·弗拉什蒂克, 营销副总裁, 太平洋联合国际公司,说. "We had such a wonderful experience with 论坛.tv. They were available and adaptable to things that happened, 意外的变化, provided advice on how to make our events go smoother, and the Brightcove platform powered our live streams seamlessly."

Brightcove和论坛.tv want to ensure that all brands and enterprises are able to realize the same success with live video that large media organizations have been capitalizing on, and not miss the wave of opportunity that is coming with the explosion of live video. With that mission in mind, the organizations are partnering to present a special educational “现场直播”网络研讨会活动 focused on "live events done right" on November 16th. The webinar will take you behind the scenes of a live event and cover all things live video related - from technical production to tactical marketing.

注册在这里 for the live webinar event on November 16th, 2017.

论坛.tv specializes in professional video production, multi-channel live streaming and social marketing campaigns. Our mission to help you integrate all things video and our specialties are helping event organizers create, 分发和货币化视频. We serve more than 500 organizations, ranging from Oracle to Capital One to Condé Nast. From single-camera shoots to full-scale conference video production, 我们有行业专业知识, knowledge and equipment to manage it all. 成立于2006年, we've earned a sterling reputation for high-quality services, 响应性和结果. With offices in California and New York, we serve customers both nationally and internationally. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 论坛.电视/服务

Brightcove公司. (NASDAQ:BCOV) is the leading global provider of powerful cloud solutions for delivering and mo网izing video across connected devices. The company offers a full suite of products and services that reduce the cost and complexity associated with publishing, 分发, measuring and mo网izing video across devices. Brightcove has thousands of customers in over 70 countries that rely on the company's cloud solutions to successfully publish high-quality video experiences to audiences everywhere. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.brightcove.com.

行业公告's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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