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在线直播 With Mobile Devices: The BYOD Challenge


我们上一次关注企业中的移动流媒体是在大约4年前,当时它还被视为一种依赖于无线网络合作伙伴的外部服务, 即使是内部使用.

与此同时, “自带设备”(BYOD)的趋势让许多公司纷纷制定相关政策,以应对员工使用自己的设备在公司网络内外获取竞争敏感内容的问题.

But has 流媒体 been better integrated for internal corporate communications, 无需依赖无线服务提供商通过虚拟专用网络(VPN)访问网络。? 我们向企业认证中的几家公司提出了这个问题和一系列其他问题, 流媒体, and videoconferencing space.


The biggest area that any company has to deal with, when thinking about mobile devices, is the balance between accessibility and security.

“Since bring-your-own-device initiatives are now commonplace in businesses, giving employees access to work at their fingertips is more important than ever,肖恩·布朗说。, vice president of education at 声波铸造.

埃里克·W. 罗尔夫 (右), 认证信息系统审计师(CISA)和认证信息系统安全专家(CISSP), 还有一名校长 Equifax的 Identity and Fraud Solutions group, says BYOD presents particular challenges. 罗尔夫曾在美国国立卫生研究院和美国国家标准与技术研究院从事安全政策方面的工作, 他有自己的安全实践——我的咨询公司(Transitions)负责, 公司.) provided growth strategy consulting. 罗尔夫强调,他的评论是他自己的个人观点,并不一定反映Equifax的观点.

“BYOD has moved forward in fits and starts, delivering mixed results,罗尔夫说。. “确保移动设备上不属于企业所有的专有内容的安全性当然面临着重大挑战.”

罗尔夫指出,企业在BYOD场景中面临的四大风险是相关的,“与当前移动设备平台的本地安全模型(如.g., iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, etc.).”

The first risk is unauthorized disclosure. When content is sent to a device, 罗尔夫说, “企业基本上不可能确保只有授权用户才能访问它.” Part of the reason lies in what security firms call “trusted source,” which has been a hallmark of desktop enterprise computing for several years. Yet the mobile scenario requires an extra level of security.

“在BYOD的情况下, the identity of the user is speculative at best,罗尔夫说。, “hence the trend to use MAM/MDM solutions, 在企业可接受的保证级别上对用户和设备进行身份验证.”

老妈/ MDM, 罗尔夫指的是移动应用程序管理(MAM)和移动设备管理(MDM)平台, 两种类型的身份验证和远程擦除平台,可以涵盖从管理应用程序到擦除整个设备的所有内容.

第二个风险可能更阴险一点:未经授权修改的风险. 罗尔夫说 this isn’t necessarily pertinent to 流媒体 video in the enterprise, 但如果视频流中的金融数据等内容被改变,它可能会产生影响.

The third risk is unauthorized destruction of content. 我们这些流媒体行业的人专注于保护未经授权的观看——通过控制访问等手段, 它会禁止观看者访问未订阅的优质内容——但一旦观看者被授权观看,却很少花时间考虑如何保护内容.

“Proprietary data can be subject to availability attacks,罗尔夫说。, 并补充说, regardless of whether data is destroyed or “hacked” to add illicit encryption, 这两种方法都“从功能上阻止了企业利用未来的数据.”

The final risk is the one that gets the most attention: infrastructure threats. “允许外国设备连接到企业网络确实增加了企业网络上恶意活动的可能性,罗尔夫说。. “Today’s mobile devices are more powerful than PCs from just a few years ago, and have significant native storage. 它们可以用来发动复杂的攻击,并泄露大量数据.”

声波铸造的 肖恩·布朗 (右)承认自带设备的安全问题,但他表示,当涉及到内容的及时交付时,设备的强大给企业带来了机会——也是挑战. “Using personal devices in the office isn’t a new craze,布朗说。, “but they’ve never been as functional, 协作, personal and universal as they are now.”

“加, workers are more tech-savvy than ever,他补充道, “and that means there needs to be a way to reach employees in real time. Use of mobile 流媒体 in the enterprise is being used more and more, 允许在ipad上实时和按需播放这些会议/专业发展会议/培训, iphone, ipod, Androids and BlackBerrys wherever they are.”

What 关于 Mobile Cameras?

Along the lines of “wherever they are,” we talked to a Pixavi, 拥有流媒体和视频会议设备的公司必须在最严格的安全环境中工作.

“我们的产品和解决方案是针对利基市场的特定用例而设计的——通过EX和ATEX认证的电子产品,用于石油和天然气设施的危险和爆炸性环境,” says Andreas Parr Bjørnsund, project manager for Pixavi AS, 总部设在斯塔万格, 挪威. “To be even more precise, our cameras are certified for both Zone 1 and Zone 2 environments, which [are] the most hazardous areas you find.”

“在大气中可能存在易燃易爆气体的区域使用电子设备,Bjørnsund说, “我们的客户需要一种特殊类型的相机,这种相机的设计和认证过程非常严格, and approved by an independent third-party. This puts many restrictions on the way we can make cameras.”

Pixavi says the restrictions include the typical -- power consumption, 充电, 材料——但也有一些明显的限制,比如相机内部的移动部件、闪光灯和光线的使用. The latter restriction is so that the cameras won’t set off optical fire alarms.

“所有这些限制, including also antenna gain levels and heat transfer etc, 再举几个例子, 让设计一款在这些边界内工作良好的相机变得相当具有挑战性,Bjørnsund说.

So what do clients actually do with these wireless cameras, such as the Xcaster EX5000 (左上所示)?

“我们的客户可以通过视频协作和与岸上专家的沟通来解决海上石油设施出现的问题,Bjørnsund说. “The Xcaster EX5000 can stream H.264 video to a computer or tablet with [a] VLC player or [its] equivalent, 因此,有时我们的客户使用这些摄像头就可以解决问题,而不必派遣更多的人到海外, thus saving a helicopter trip.”

尽管Pixavi在一个非常专业的领域发挥作用,但它并没有满足于现有的成就. Bjørnsund表示,公司通过以更轻的重量和更紧凑的外形提供更好的图像质量,确保其产品在严格的行业要求下具有竞争力. Given the high stakes during troubleshooting, 他说,这些产品还必须在一个电池上提供6小时的完全运行, must allow one-hand operation, and must offer LED light and night modes.

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