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Joicaster Review:一个简单的直播视频分发平台

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Joicaster 是一个基于网络的直播联合平台,将单个直播流推送到多个服务, including YouTube Live, Ustream, and Twitch, as well as commercial sites. Joicaster价格实惠,操作简单,在我所有的测试中都表现良好. 如果分发到多个直播平台对你来说是个问题, Joicaster could very well be the solution.

Driving Joicaster

“分布中的单个流到多个”范例很容易理解, but the types of sites you can transfer to, and other features, vary significantly from plan to plan, which you can compare at joicaster.co. I mostly tested with the Enterprise plan, 它提供访问多个面向企业和消费者的网站(随着Roku的到来), and provides a generic RTMP preset that allows you to target any RTMP-compatible site; I used the preset to send a stream to webinar provider Onstream. 如果您使用的是较小的计划,则只能与该服务直接支持的站点进行通信. 网站的数量正在增长,但并不全面.

操作Joicaster涉及两个主要概念:流配置文件和广播. 流配置文件是你将视频重定向到的网站, 广播是预定的(或即兴的)场合,你将把流传输到这些站点. Joicaster在简化操作方面做得很好, 从介绍性教程开始,引导您了解网站上的主要界面元素.

Creating Stream Profiles

Once you’re ready to start streaming, you should start by creating stream profiles, or target sites, 因此,您可以在未来的广播中轻松地包含它们. This process, as you might expect, starts when you click Add Stream Profile, which initializes a wizard-driven process, 其第一阶段是一个对话框,其中显示您的订阅级别可用的所有站点. Figure 1 shows the dialog from a free account that I created; though you can access YouTube and DailyMotion, Ustream requires an upgraded account.


Figure 1. Accessible targets vary with account level. 

You add accounts one by one, clicking the check box to select the service, 然后单击右下角的Next,开始配置过程. With some accounts—such as YouTube, 其中Joicaster集成了YouTube的应用程序编程接口(API) -您选择您的YouTube帐户,并允许通过简单的菜单选项访问Joicaster. 使用SideArm,您必须输入RTMP地址和流名称,以及您的登录凭据. 这是完全相同的数据,你必须输入到你的直播编码器连接到这些网站之前, 所以它应该是大多数直播者熟悉的地方.

Creating Your Broadcasts

配置完流配置文件后,就该设置广播了. Though there is a Broadcast Now feature, 您可能想要提前计划大多数广播并提前创建它们. 从“广播”页面开始,单击“添加广播”, 这将启动另一个向导式过程,在此过程中输入事件详细信息(Figure 2),配置一些选项,安排事件,并选择目标流配置文件. 选项包括通过Facebook和Twitter推广活动的能力, 并启用/禁用YouTube Live功能,如DVR和存档.


Figure 2. Inserting basic metadata 

这些广播如何与你的目标平台整合取决于多种因素. With Ustream, among other sites, you broadcast to a fixed page, 所以除了在Joicaster中初始化流之外,你不需要做任何事情. However, YouTube Live的经典操作是基于事件的(现在的流媒体功能正在测试中), 这意味着你必须创建一个事件来广播给它. Since Joicaster has integrated with YouTube’s API, the service creates the event for you, as it will for other API-integrated sites.

如果您的目标站点是基于事件的,并且不直接通过其API支持, 您必须事先手动设置事件. This is how I sent the stream to Onstream Webinars; first I created the event in Onstream, then I configured Joicaster for that event.

这种描述使操作听起来比实际复杂. Most sites are like Ustream, with fixed target and display pages; for these sites, 你可以在任何时候从Joicaster开始流媒体, without any extra set-up. On the other hand, if you’re distributing to many enterprise sites, 您可能需要像往常一样设置事件或分发点, and supply the address, stream name, and credentials to Joicaster before the broadcast.

Back on our narrative, 输入如图2所示的广播信息后, you click Next to choose the date, time, and duration, and the sites to syndicate to (Figure 3). 单击Submit, Joicaster保存广播并将其添加到Dashboard和Calendar.


Figure 3. Choosing the stream profiles 

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