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How to Convert Live Video Viewers Into Customers

Six years ago I started a production company called Mighteor, which makes internet videos for brands. 回到2013年, 这是一个非常新颖的想法:一个女人离开了电视行业,只为互联网做广告.

Now, it seems like everybody does that, and with good reason. I absolutely love the power of integrated channels, all of the platforms that we use today to help us connect with audiences.

在本文中, I’ll talk about some of the ways that, 在过去的六年里, my company has helped our customers turn video viewers into actual customers. We’ve done live streams for brands as big as American Express. We support Facebook’s internal events function on Facebook Live. 我们为科技公司做了很多直播,我们使用了很多不同的平台. The primary platforms that we use day in, 每天都是Facebook Live, YouTube生活, 和Instagram Live. That is where we tend to put the vast majority of our effort.

我们偶尔会与第三方平台或客户构建的定制平台合作, 但我在这里讨论的大部分内容都与最广泛的可用平台有关:Facebook Live, YouTube生活, 和Instagram Live.


直播常用的关键性能指标(kpi)包括观看人数, 保留记录, 还有“喜欢”或“订阅”.” I consider these vanity metrics--especially the last two. 我不认为这些参数是真正有价值的kpi,可以帮助你理解你的内容有多有价值.

The vast majority of viewership can be purchased. Anything that can be purchased--meaning, 我可以上网说, “我想要10个,000 more people to watch this thing”--inherently reduces the value of said KPI.

至于“保留记录”,” I do think that there is a value to how long people watch your content. 另一方面, 如果有人可以观看你的直播,并在前两分钟内获得很多价值,并根据他们在这两分钟内看到的内容进行购买, 这就像有人看了55分钟你的视频然后决定购买一样好.

So it’s important to have a really clear mindset about retention. 一个人看了多长时间的视频并不能说明他们是否会转换, 买, 或者和你交流. I know it’s very difficult to separate these ideas in our minds, but they are not inherently connected.

Calling Your Customers to Action

对于任何想要通过视频直播创收的人来说,真正的问题应该是, “我希望观众在收看节目时或收看后立即采取什么关键行动?”

Let’s walk through a common action. We work with a lot of B2B software companies. Their product, at the end of the day, is software. They would like to sell more seats and licenses for their software.

  1. 输入一个电子邮件地址,以便他们可以继续向观众发送有关其软件的电子邮件.
  2. Download a trial version of their software.
  3. Sign up for more 信息 or for a demo.

Let’s say your goal is for your viewers to opt-in. 你如何让人们选择加入?

当我们帮助客户确定这三个关键指标时,我们采取的第一步是询问, What action most commonly leads to exist to a conversion in your existing funnel?”

How do you figure something like this out? You look at your existing funnel and you say, “人们从兴趣转向下一步最常见的原因是因为X.”

例如, we work with Miracle-Ear. Believe it or not, hearing aids are very, very popular with Facebook users.

Miracle-Ear最常见的转变发生在观众预约与Miracle-Ear专业人士见面的时候, 有人可以和他们谈谈他们对个人听力问题有疑问的一些事情.

对我们来说, 我们想要在大多数直播中推动的第一件事是“安排预约与听力专家交谈。.” This is often the third or fourth step in the funnel. 但有了直播,我们就有了真正投入的观众,他们会和我们在一起. 我们可以加快这一进程, skip two or three steps in the funnel, and move them very quickly to scheduling that appointment. We know that that is the moment when somebody will make a decision to 买.


When we begin to work with brands and develop a livestreaming ad strategy for them, we start with a common set of questions. The first question is, “How do you attract most of your customers right now?”


然后我可能会说, “用你的数字资产, 在客户做出购买决定之前,你需要与他们接触多少次你的数字资产?”

For the brands we work with, some are as low as three, many are as high as 25. 这取决于品牌,但我们想要确定他们转变的时刻. 那一刻通常会让我们想到一个清单,让我知道我们应该在他们的直播中放什么.

让直播观众转化的一种常见手段是提供优惠券和促销代码(图1). 例如, if you’ve acquired someone’s email address and you know that, 30%的情况下,当我们给那些在我们的电子邮件滴注活动中的人提供优惠券或促销代码时, 这就是转变的时刻, 我知道优惠券或促销代码将是一个非常有价值的内容放入你的直播.

图1. 径的kpi

为直播定制代码是一种非常勤奋的方式,可以跟踪这些信息,以便以后了解它对你的转化程度. Often we change up the promo code over time in a livestream. So maybe on the first Tuesday’s livestream it’s promo code X, Y, Z. Then on the following Tuesday’s stream, the promo code is A, B, C. This allows us to know exactly which livestream we converted from. We’re using that promo code to track the efficacy of our programming.

A number of product-related questions is a common KPI. It’s a common moment of conversion for our clients. 通过“产品相关问题”,“我的意思是,我们有多少次需要在面对面的访问中回答一个问题——比如当你与听力专家或在线交谈时——或者在在线聊天功能中回答一个问题,直到你做出购买决定?

The average, for many of our clients is actually about two-and-a-half questions. If you know that talking to a professional, 与咨询师交谈, 在你的业务中与代理交谈是你获得销售转化的常见方式, the next thing you want to ask is, How many questions are we answering? 当我们知道这些, 我们将把最常见的问题逆向工程到我们的直播中.

公司销售的首要问题可能是这样的:我如何将这个产品与蓝牙配对? 这个防水吗?? What are some use cases for this product?

We’ll take the top three and include them in our programming. We will then be able to know if those three converted in a livestream.

What about new email marketing signups, or opt-ins? For many brands, emails are the most common thing that you need. 我们公司也是如此. We want your email because we want to annoy you incessantly. 我们非常想要你的电子邮件,我们经常会在直播中提供一些东西,以换取你提供你的电子邮件.

We have had people do it many different ways. 一种方法是说,“如果你给我们提供电子邮件,我们将给你发送优惠券或促销代码.或者:“我们将为您提供关于X的白皮书的免费数字下载链接。, Y, Z topic if you provide us with your email.”

There are some really easy ways to do this. 你可以建立一个小型的微型网站. You can do it in the Comments functionality.

径的kpi represent a shift in industry thinking. 我们正在从仅仅考虑如何转化我们的用户转变为考虑如何将他们从休闲点赞和休闲订阅者转变为新的电子邮件营销注册用户.

To identify the most effective KPIs for you, 回到你的组织内部,确定哪些因素最常导致你的业务内部的销售转换.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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