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The Indianapolis 500 is the longest-running auto race in the United States. It is known worldwide as the "Greatest Spectacle in Racing" and attracts the largest single-day crowd of any spectator sporting event in the world. The race has taken place on Memorial Day weekend every year since 1911, except during America’s participation in world wars between 1917 and 1918 and 1942 and 1945. 比赛在印第安纳波利斯赛车场举行, a relatively flat two-and-a-half mile oval that is almost rectangular in shape. 它由两条5/8英里的直道组成, 两条半英里短的直道, 还有四个1/4英里的转弯. 内场道路包括椭圆形的一部分,并创造了一个2.6-mile跟踪. 自1909年建成以来,它的尺寸一直保持不变. The Indy Racing League is the premier open-wheel, oval racing series in the world.

WhiteBlox is an internet protocol television (IPTV) solutions company that enables clients to leverage video assets into profitable, 自有品牌宽带网络. WhiteBlox’s broadband solutions have been enabling viewers to access both live broadcasts and on-demand video programming through a single interactive media player for more than three years. The WhiteBlox system offers a range of revenue-generating opportunities, 包括按次付费和订阅模式, as well as time-aware ad insertion and interactive advertising targeted by demographics or geography. 广告可以以静态、Flash或视频格式呈现. 该系统提供了多种交互选项, 包括聊天功能, 民意调查, 调查, 以及多语言媒体播放器. WhiteBlox总部位于休斯顿, 在纽约设有办事处, 洛杉矶, 奥兰多, 明尼阿波里斯市, 密尔沃基, 和墨西哥城.

The Indy Racing League wanted to enhance the traditional television viewing experience of Indy fans for the 2006 event. The goal was to offer the audience a new way to connect with the events, 参赛者, 并通过在互联网上直播比赛来互相交流. It was important to the league to have the option to offer the broadcasts for free, so they needed a system that would support advertising that could in turn pay for the broadcasts. They decided to kick off the internet broadcasts at the largest race in the world, 印第500, and then continue the broadcasts through the remainder of the Indy Racing League schedule, 其中包括美国的16场比赛和日本的1场比赛.

The key objectives the league had in mind were to broadcast live and to allow fans to become active participants in the viewing process. The league especially wanted the fans to be able to control their own experiences as they watched online.

"The internet is the perfect medium to deliver a user-controlled racing experience. We wanted to create an environment that would allow fans to talk with each other. 这只会增强整体体验,阿德里安·佩恩说, manager of internet development for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Indy Racing League.

印地赛车联盟(Indy Racing League)考虑了几个解决方案, but none of them met all of the requirements they were seeking to fulfill. 然后,他们见到了WhiteBlox的董事长兼首席执行官格雷格·德米特里亚斯(Greg Demetriades). Demetriades presented a solution that had several unique characteristics. The WhiteBlox solution would allow the league to give IndyCar fans a live, 不间断视频体验, 以及指挥这部剧的能力. 这对联盟至关重要, since the endeavor was to offer an increased level of functionality not available through traditional broadcasting.

Since 印第500 is one of the largest sporting events in the world, the Indy Racing League wanted to go the extra mile and allow the fans to watch the race from inside the cars. Therefore, the most important element was the ability to offer simultaneous multiple camera angles.

这个多摄像头功能将是相当大的挑战, because the system would have to be designed to send six simultaneous video signals—coming from inside cars going in excess of 220 miles per hour—from the track to the encoders and then to the fans. 除了六个车内摄像头, the league wanted to place a camera in the trackside press center so fans could see the drivers give their post-race interviews. WhiteBlox接受了挑战, customizing the solution for the Indy Racing League to include an innovative multi-camera option that allowed fans to choose which angles to follow, 当, 能维持多久.

The next concern was finding a way to incorporate advertising into the system in a noninvasive way. The goal was to create a seamless fusion of content and advertising, so that the ads are present and available but do not detract from the overall viewing experience. WhiteBlox用风扇创建了这个应用程序. The ads were integrated into the media player in a way that did not distract from the video and did not require users to interact with them unless or until they wanted more 信息. Thus, even the issue of advertising fell under the heading of a user-controlled viewing environment. The WhiteBlox system allowed interested viewers to click on ads to receive more 信息 and even purchase merchandise through the interactive media player, 不会把观众从广播中引开.

联盟还希望球迷能够相互交流. The WhiteBlox system allows viewers to chat with one another as well as take part in 民意调查 and 调查. They customized the system so that fans could also research drivers’ stats, 访问日程安排, 并与活动协调员互动. 另外, the powerful back-end analytics native to the WhiteBlox system allow the league to develop ever-more dynamic programming for its fans based on viewing patterns.

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