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7 Steps to Live Stream a Local Sporting Event Like a Pro

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When national sports broadcasting was the only way to catch a game, 你甚至无法想象在电视上观看当地的小联盟棒球比赛或轮滑比赛. In the age of 流媒体 video, 只要你有合适的设备,你就可以直播任何东西给全世界看.

在线发布内容的成本不再像以前那样令人望而却步. 越来越多的地方体育组织已经转向移动设备流媒体,为远程粉丝提供观看现场直播的机会, without the expensive equipment and production of professional 流媒体. 本地体育直播推广即将到来的赛事,并为球迷和球员创建一个点播视频档案,让他们重温所有的动作.

本文重点介绍了为本地运动队或联盟设置和提供实时流媒体功能所需的设备和服务, and shares best practices for offering a premium experience.

Step 1: Decide on platforms and features

Paint a realistic picture of your fanbase. 了解你的粉丝如何参与你的活动可以帮助你了解在流媒体包中提供哪些功能. 与传统广播不同,流媒体活动提供了更加个性化的观看体验. 迎合个人设备偏好对于提高用户粘性非常重要. Targeting highly popular devices such as smartphones, 平板电脑, 个人电脑将为你的粉丝提供多种观看体验.

Step 2: Select a 流媒体 platform

了解各种非现场服务将提供的不同观看体验. 至少,您需要一个能够将发布的流转发给最终用户的流媒体服务. 使用云转码的平台还可以提供更广泛的分辨率和格式,这是现场编码器无法提供的. 一些流媒体平台提供内容推荐功能, 使货币化, and automate closed-captioning. 选择合适的流媒体平台对于提高粉丝参与度和扩大粉丝基础至关重要. There are 流媒体 platforms available for every budget, 你甚至可以在视频流上投放广告,以帮助支付制作成本或筹集资金.

Step 3: Establish a strong network connection

Verify there is enough bandwidth to deliver the event. You will want access to a dedicated network connection. 一个好的经验法则是将您的总吞吐量加倍,以建立可交付的带宽. 如果您计划提供总共3mbps的内容,那么6mbps的上传速度是理想的. 备份的带宽, like bonded wireless data access points, are also useful to establish a secure connection. 值得注意的, 当直播体育时, 你将需要比一个典型的谈话广播更多的带宽. 另外, 取决于运动, your stream definition may vary: For 720p 流媒体, 5到10mbps是理想的, while 10 to 20 Mbps is ideal 1080p streams. 更高的带宽将允许更清晰的流媒体以及适当的转码和自适应比特率, ensuring all your viewers have a smooth viewing experience.

Step 4: Add professional 流媒体 elements

Consider additional details that make the viewer experience more engaging. 例如, features like lower thirds, 分数覆盖, 并设有解说员,引导观众并提供解说,营造出更多的娱乐性, 身临其境的, and polished experience, and increases fan engagement. You should also seek out a skilled audio technician. 他们可以为你的观众保持音乐,声音和播音员评论的良好组合. These additional elements don’t have to break the bank. 很多时候,你可以让志愿者帮助你做公告或平面设计, which helps them develop their own demo reels.

Step 5: Conduct site surveys

Survey the site to ensure the broadcast will run smoothly. Knowing camera layout and cabling before the day of setup will save time. Be mindful of the event timing and setting, 因为你可能想要避免日落产生眩光或风影响音频质量. 额外的细节——比如确保你有办法让你的电缆隐藏和安全,有一个安全的地方放三脚架——是很重要的. 我不知道有多少次我把我的三脚架放在立架上,想要拍到完美的照片,结果却有一个观众坐在它的正前方. 最好找一个适合你但不适合观众的地方放置三脚架,以避免拥挤.

Step 6: Pre-position cameras

Planning the camera setup is also crucial. 拥有多个摄像机可以让制作人无缝切换角度,让粉丝沉浸在游戏玩法中. When positioning cameras, 重要的是要理解动作的轴线——主体应该保持相对于另一个的相同位置——因为跨越这个轴线会产生令人眼花缭乱的画面. Action should always be moving towards or away from the camera, which often requires multiple cameras. This allows you to change shots to avoid viewer fatigue, something that could cause viewers to tune out. 

Step 7: Optimize the production and encoding

Once set up, much of the work is similar to any live video production. 摄像机馈送、音频和图形被馈送到一个切换器,该切换器创建一个主流以供交付. 然后将其馈送到视频编码器以创建将被传送到视频平台的流. There are a variety of encoder lines, such as single to multichannel input appliances that accept analog, SDI, 抗利尿, HDMI, or IP-based inputs that can best meet your needs and price point.

体育直播需要比直播主持人更高的比特率, 然而, 由于压缩和运动帧之间的运动水平. If you typically doing a talking head or two-shot at 720p 2.5 Mbps bitrate, you’ll want to double that to 5 Mbps. The higher bitrate will offer a clean and crisp look.


考虑到这一切, 在制作体育直播时,还有很多其他变量需要考虑.

这项工作可以外包给一家能处理拍摄的公司, 流媒体, 举办, 和货币化, but outsourcing can be costly. If you decide to stream events yourself, 选择一个能够自动化大部分流程的流媒体平台是很重要的, drives audience engagement, and creates seamless distribution. This should include cross-device 流媒体, automated closed-captioning and content recommendations, 存档, 和货币化. If you stick to the steps above, 你将为你的现场活动提供一个高度专业和吸引人的延伸, giving fans a way to enjoy local sports, 即使在远方.

 [Editor's Note: This is a contributed article from IBM. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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